Chapter 14. Excitment and a wedding to be.

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Your POV

I woke up and threw on a F/C sweater and some ripped jeans followed by sneakers. I unlocked my door and someone greeted me with a scare "Boo" "AHHHHH" I screamed "NIGHTMARE!" I yelled and ran after him, things have been going great with our relationship. And he's sweet in all, but I hate it when he scares me. And he knows it to. I then caught up to him and tackled him. "Well it seems you caught me princess" "Princess? Pft since when have you ever called me that?" "Since never I suppose, but anyways breakfast is ready." "Okay well then let's go" "Can't do that till you get off of me" he then chuckles and I realize I'm on top of him. I get up quickly and my face is as red as a tomato. "Awww is someone embarrassed?" He mocked "Oh shut up and let's get to breakfast" I said with a bit of anger.

-Time skip cause I don't wanna do breakfast and it's a big time skip so brace yourself-

Me and Nightmare have been together for a whole year and a half now. And things have been a little harsh but we always work it out. He's happy and I'm happy and life's pretty good.

Nightmares POV

Me and Y/n have been together for a year and a half and I gonna do it. I'm gonna ask her to marry me, she'll be mine forever if she says yes, I'm so nervous I told the guys and they know what to do and I know what to do so this can't go wrong. "Y/n?" I called out "Yeah what is it nighty?" Heh that nickname. "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight like just the two of us. Ya know since its been awhile." "That sounds great!" She exclaimed "Good, let's make it fancy so put on a nice dress and I will wear a tuxedo." "Copy that!" She joked, gosh she was perfect. And at that I told the guys to make dinner for us and set everything up.

Your POV

This is really exciting! A romantic dinner with Nightmare! We haven't done one of these in a while so it will be nice for a change. I got to my room and got ready I put my hair in (whatever style you want) and put on a dress I picked out from my closet it looked like this

 I got to my room and got ready I put my hair in (whatever style you want) and put on a dress I picked out from my closet it looked like this

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(You can change it if you want)
And I put on some Black heels. I went downstairs and I saw cross, he came over to me and said hi "Heyyy Y/n your looking good, something special with Nightmare?" "M hmm, me and him are gonna do dinner. Just the two of us" I smiled brightly. "Heh have fun" "Thanks! And tell chara I said hi."  "Will do." He stated and I went out to where Nightmare was. He was standing    in the garden and a beautiful setting was placed its the table. "Wow fancy much?" "I told you it would be, and someone's looking more fancy then ever" he purred "Pft same to you. I hardly ever see you in a tuxedo" "True. Shall we?" He gestured toward the chairs and table. "We shall." I smiled, and sat down.

-Time skip sorry to lazy-

After dinner we went out further in the garden. It was so beautiful and amazing with all the flowers. And then Nightmare took me to a small opening and got down on one knee. I knew exactly what he was gonna do and I gasped. "Nightmare" I mumbled "Y/n L/n(last name) will you marry me?" He said "Of course you big goof!" I was stilled tearing up and I hugged him. Then we kissed and he said "I love you Y/n." "I love you too Nightmare" And then soon after we got married and things just got better. But I'm sure things might get rough but we will work through it, with LOVE.

The end

Soooooo I know this is a short book. And we'll I suck at writing but I hope you enjoyed this to whoever is reading this. Peace out!

Hopeless [Nightmare sans X female reader](Finished! Kinda short but yeah)Where stories live. Discover now