Special chapter!- Explaining To Do

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Requested by @Tilley235
Sorry for it being a little late but here you go! Also it's pretty much your POV

POV= point of view

(Y/n)'s POV

I opened my eyes and immediately closed them due to the sunlight ever so graciously making me go blind. But once my eyes adjusted I tried to move, unfortunately I found myself trapped in Nightmares arms. 'Holy crud does he have a strong grip when he sleeps!' I tried moving around once more and after a few attempts I was successful! Andddd then I got grabbed back by the half sleeping skeleton. "Stop moving and sleep" Nightmares voice had a deep raspy edge to it, making me blush a little. "Nightmare it's literally 11:38 in the morning. Get. Up" he only huffed in response and pressed me up against his chest. "Yeah well I don't feel like getting up yet. Plus I get to admire when your hair looks like a birds nest" he laughed "Oh Ha Ha." I sarcastically replied sitting up and fixing my hair "Noooooo~ Your hairrrrr~" "You're so unbelievably immature" I stuck my tongue out at him "Uh huh well then I guess you're not alone" I laughed and rolled my eyes "Now really, we need to get up" I slid off the bed and stretched my arms, giving a satisfied sigh. When I looked over at Nightmare he was smirking. "What's with the grin Hm?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh nothing really-" He spoke while eyeing me "Just your nice as–" Immediately I threw a pillow in his face, while my face on the other hand was bright red "DON'T FINish that sentence" my voice became high at first then drowned down to a lower pitch. Nightmare was just laughing in the pillow but when he removed it from his face he had a look that I could only describe as trouble, Playful trouble and possibly dangerous. "You dare to throw a pillow at the king?" He spoke, raising his head in a suspicious manner "As the Queen, yes" I smirked "Now enough of this nonsense and get dressed ya goof" "Wait!– You can't silence the king!" He had a pretend look of being offended and placed a hand on his chest "Nightmare seriously get dressed. Your Queen demands it" I pointed a finger at him and walked over to my dresser and pulled out an outfit for the day. "Fine. I'll let it slip for now" Nightmare finally got out of bed and slipped on his jacket. "Finished" He just had a casual smile on his skull "Uh huh, well I'm going to change into something other than a jacket" I walked over to our bathroom and opened the door. "Aww and here I was getting my hopes up that I might get a show" I flushed a bright red once again "Seriously!?" He was just laughing his butt off "Uhg! You're such a—" I mumbled under my breath as I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

Once I came out I saw that Nightmare wasn't there. "Hm, he must've gone down stairs" I mumbled and finished drying my hair. I had taken a shower and took off my wedding ring of course, and after I held it in my hand which got me thinking. 'Now that I think about it classic sans, Ink, Error, Blue and Dream didn't get to go to the wedding. I mean it was only a month ago' I put a hand up to my chin and continued to think for a while. Finally after deciding on some things I went down the stairs and as I turned a corner I bumped into something or someone and stumbled back. "Oh sorry (Y/n)!" The voice belonged to Killer, who, was probably my best friend I'd say. "Oh it's alright! I'm actually glad I bumped into you, do you know where Nightmare is? I can't seem to find him" I questioned. He looked wistful for a moment and then snapped his fingers or bones? "Ah I saw him in the kitchen bossing around the nightmare papys" (papy=Papyrus) "Of course he his. Anyways thank you Killer!" I waved goodbye and he waved back. Heading toward the kitchen I heard Nightmare speaking "Does this look edible to you? Because it doesn't to me. GET IT DONE." I sighed and came behind Nightmare to put my plan in action "Hey Nightmare~" I said sweetly. "Stop with the sweet talk I know you just want something" He turned to me with a raised bonebrow. "Whaaat?! I don't know what you talking about" I smiled innocently. "But~ Now that you mention it can I see Sans, Ink, Error, Blue And Dream? Pleaseeeeeee?~~~" I said while trying to persuade him "Absolutely not" he said sternly and with a frown. "Aw Nightmare pleaseee" "No and why" "Because they weren't invited to the wedding and I haven't seen them in forever! C'mon!" "No because they could take you away" I just stopped and stared at him "Nightmare who am I married to again?! I'M LITERALLY YOUR WIFE" I said while making weird hand gestures "Yeah but–" "If you let me go for a day I will have to do anything you request for the rest of the day" I said, my (E/c) eyes not leaving his one cyan eye. "Deal" he was smirking and that can never mean anything good... Oh well! "Yay!" I put my hands in the air in victory "I will have Killer take you. I want you back by 6:00" I huffed but then had an idea "7:00?" "Going down to 5:00" He crossed his arms as to show he expected no retaliation. "Finnnee 6:00 it is" I pouted "Better then nothing I suppose" and then I went up to my room to grab my sweater and bag and headed back down the stairs.

Hopeless [Nightmare sans X female reader](Finished! Kinda short but yeah)Where stories live. Discover now