Chapter 11, Confused and flustered

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Your POV

After all that had happened I just went to my room and took out a sketch book killer got me, (Yes you can draw very well, let's just leave that there) and I started to sketch, I decided to sketch killer, since I had been drawing for years, it was actually pretty easy, and realistic, once I finished with the sketch I put the sketch book away and looked at the time, 5:57 PM,  3 more minutes till dinner, 'Wow where did the time go huh.' I thought, I got up and stretched a bit, before I heard a knock, I opened my door and saw killer, "It's time for dinner Y/n" he said, "Okay, I will be down in a minute." And with that he disappeared and I shut the door, I needed a few seconds just to take in the quietness of my room, then I went to the door, opened it, and headed to the dining room.

Nightmares POV

I have been thinking about earlier, with Y/n and her voice, she has such a beautiful voice, such a shame she never sings to often, lately I've been holding back on expressing my feelings for Y/n, but I've had enough, I want her, and I better do it soon before killer or anyone else does. I want her, I need her, and I have a plan.

Your POV

I walked into the dining room, and there was killer, just waiting for me, but this time he was sitting by nightmare, well more of one seat away, he motioned for me to sit right next to him, I giggled and sat down next to him, glancing at nightmare, I saw that he looked deep in thought, I decided not to interfere in his thoughts and proceed to talk with killer, soon we ate dinner and everyone looked tiered, a good amount of the crew went to bed, and I just headed to my room.

When I entered my room I saw a cute dark royal purple short dress that looked like this

When I entered my room I saw a cute dark royal purple short dress that looked like this

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It also had a note attached, it read, 'Go to the ballroom at 1:00 AM.' I read it and I admit I was pretty confused, 'Is this killer?' I thought 'No, Maybe, Uhh?' I decided I would have to wait and see who this was, so I set my alarm to the time given and threw on some pjs and went to sleep for a bit.

-Time skip UwU-

Still your POV

I woke up and put on the dress, I fixed my hair up, and headed to the ballroom, nervous I opened the doors and saw----

Nightmare?!?! I mean I thought he MIGHT have liked me but, I uh ummm. "Ah so you came, good to know you got my note, you look cute" he said, as a little neon teal blush appeared on his skull, "I-I didn't realize, U-Uh, Why am I here?" I asked the mess I was, He didn't answer he just came over to me grabbed me and pulled me into a dance, I gave a little gasp as he just chuckled, "I haven't been to expressive on my feelings for you, but now that killer seems attached to you, I want to take the opportunity before it leaves, ever since I saw you, I was in love, I never really tried to express it but, I was that to change, your to adorable to ignore, I want you, I'm never good with cheesy stuff but in all honesty. I want you" "Nightmare I-I-" "OBJECTION!!!" I gasped and looked towards the door to see not killer but-

Anndddd cliffhanger! I'm gonna try to get more of this book done so please hang in there UwU👊

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