Chapter 8, A day with Fell, And escape.

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Your POV

Fell took my hand and led me out of the room, I looked back and killer was pissed, I just looked in front of me and didn't dare to look back, after all I didn't want to slow down fell, If that was possible by looking in back of me, "Where are we heading?" I questioned, Fell was hesitant but said, "The Training room" "Why?" I asked, "Because I need to get my daily training done, you can just sit in a corner and watch" he said, "Uhm o-okay" I mumbled not wanting to annoy him, we walked down the halls and came to a door, He pushed it open and what I saw was, Dummy's, lots and lots of weapons that where for training, and punching bags, "This is the training room" he announced "You can explore it but don't get any ideas" he said, "O-Okay" I meekly said, I just went and sat down a bit further away from fell because I still didn't trust him, but pretty much right after I sat down he cracked his head as if he where ready to fight and he began to violently fight one of the dummy's, I gasped a little from how quickly he was fighting, *I really shouldn't do anything that this guy would hate me to do* I thought, pretty soon he slowed down and looked at me, I jumped a bit, "Do you want to try?" He asked "N-Not really" I mumbled but just enough so that he could hear me, "Just try it" He directed, "O-Okay" I said and quickly got up, I came over to the dummy and hit it as hard as I could. It didn't even move, *Am I that weak!?!?? HOW ON EARTH?!? I COULDN'T HIT A DUST BUNNY TO EVEN MAKE IT MOVE* I screamed in my head, "Wow, Your super weak, Well at least it makes my job easier" he laughed, "I-I can't help it if I'm weak!" I shouted "I don't ever kill monsters or people" I mumbled because I really don't want to make him mad.

Fells POV

She hit it and it didn't move at all, I laughed and said "Wow, Your super weak, Well at least it makes my job easier" she just got a bit angry and shouted back at me, Oh gosh she was adorable when she got angry-NO FELL STOP IT she's a prisoner, nothing more, After a while I led her out of the training room and into the library, She gasped, I'm guessing she likes books, at least she will be busy and I can take a nap or something.

Your POV

Fell led me to a door and when he opened it it was a library, I gasped, I love books, they where the only thing I read when I was young, before the accident- No no, I'm not gonna think about that, I walked in and instantly ran to a shelf that said fairy tails, I loved fairy tales, there about the best subject in a book you can find! Meanwhile while I was looking through the fairy tales fell took a nap, I set down the book I had and realized *Nows my chance to escape! But what about killer, no he won't care, I want to go home and see my friends again, I miss the puns* I thought, so I waited for a bit until I was sure he was asleep, And walked around the room and found a window, "Yes! Now I can get out of here" I whispered, I opened the window and crawled out and shut it to make sure they wouldn't think of that first, Then I bolted off into the forest that surrounded the castle, I kept running until i was out of breath, "Good thing I had PE in school, it helps out now" and I kept on running, soon I found a nice hiding spot in a huge tree trunk, and let myself catch my breath, "I *Huff* can't believe that *Cough* it was so easy to escape" I laughed quietly, and waited a bit before getting ready to run again.

Killers POV (ha didn't expect that huh?)

I Angrily stomped down the halls and came to the library, I stopped not expecting to go in but, I heard snoring, "Snoring?" I questioned and opened the door to see Fell napping, "FELL!" I shouted, "WHERE IS THE HUMAN GIRL!" He quickly got up and looked around while saying "SHE WAS RIGHT HERE! HONEST!" He shouted, pretty soon nightmare came into the doorway, "What. Is going on idiots, WHY ARE YOU BOTH SHOUTING-" he said and paused, "Where is Y/n." He said as if he was calm but his face said otherwise, "Oh shi-" me and fell whispered before getting cut off (There will be no swearing in my house Ù^Ú) "You. LOST HER!?!? I GAVE YOU ONE JOB FELL! GET EVERYONE OUTSIDE AND SEARCHING FOR HER!" His voice was like thunder, it boomed through the castle, pretty soon everyone heard it and knew something was wrong, nightmare ordered them to find Y/n and we left to get her, I hope she didn't go far, she was the only thing keeping me from killing these idiots.

Your POV
You kept running until you heard shouting way way in back of you, "Oh no, There coming! There's no way I will out run them, I gotta hide!" So I quickly ran to a, an abandoned town?!, but wait? How? I shook off the thoughts and ran into an abandoned grocery store, it had a employees only room so I went in and hid behind some shelfs, and if I was being honest I was shaking really bad, if any of them where like fell, in the way he fought, I was for sure dead, I heard shouting again and I peered through the door, how did they get to the city so fast?!?! I mean they did live here but did they really want me back!?! But I don't want to go back I want to go home with ink and dream and blueberry and error and sans! Not here with killers! Pretty soon they searched the town and came to the grocery store, I hid back in my corner and covered myself, still shaking, I heard talking and arguing, pretty soon the door flung open and I saw fell, "If your in here Y/n then come out now" he demanded, I was screwed, so I did the only thing a person in there right mind would, I jumped up and ran right past Fell, I was quick about it and bolted out the door, I saw pretty much everyone else and literally cringed because I wasn't gonna get away at all, but, I at least have to try, "GET HER" fell shouted and every one was after me, horror teleported right in front of me but I dodged to the side, "WAIT WHAT HOW!?" He screamed in shock, soon things where thrown to try to stop me but I dodged them, but as I was running nightmare appeared in front of me like horror, I slid right underneath his legs and kept running until I was tripped by something, I scraped and bruised everything, well that's what it felt like but I had cuts everywhere, and soon I was surrounded, "Shoot" I whispered, and tears formed in my eyes. "Gotcha."

Sorry for not uploading a lot, but honestly no one is reading this is woo hoo

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