xxvi. try to forget

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Shawn walked to the closest bar he could find, he needed to forget. He kept repeating himself that it was a bad dream, he would wake up and talk with Phoebe, ask her to marry him and then they would have that damn baby.

It seemed unreal. He lost his baby. He lost Joy.

"Shawn! My man, how are you?" Queried Brian on the other side of the phone.

Shawn coughed. "Tell me you're in LA." He talked as Brian said yes. "Can I send you my location and you could come, I really need you right now."

After Brian agreed, Shawn hung up and ordered a drink. He coughed as he gulped his whole drink. When Brian walked in, he already was at his fifth drink.

"What's happening?" Queried Brian watching his miserable best friend

Shawn laughed and hugged him. "Wanna something funny? Phoebe did a miscarriage."

Brian backed away and frowned. "Then what are you doing here?" He asked still confused.

Shawn shrugged. "I was hurt and I walked away." He replied. "I mean she lost the baby..."

Brian held his face in his hands and shook his. "She didn't lost the baby! You guys lost the baby, it was yours too."

"But the doctor said it was about the stress." He answered slightly dizzy.

Brian sat in front of his best friend watching him with disappointment. "Shawn...Did you already think, once in your life, that it could be your fault?"

Shawn frowned and shook his head. "I wasn't even home to stress her." He replied. "How could I stress her?"

Brian gasped. "You were so stressed this past few months that you didn't even realize that you were putting all your stress on her!" Exclaimed Brian. "You're unbelievable!"

"Oh, I'm unbelievable now? Stop trying to be with my girlfriend so bad. Always by her side, laughing or comforting her!" He stood up.

"I did the job that you were supposed to do! Don't throw that shit at me." Yelled Brian.

Shawn wasn't even thinking while talking. He just let everything out. Brian was right but he refused to admit it.

"Whenever I come home, you were here!" He yelled back.

Brian stepped closer. "Then, why didn't you spend time with her? Why are you here while she must be crying in her room right now?"

Shawn gulped. "Because..."

"See?" Brian queried. "You have no idea what she's going through and you left her! I'm so disappointed in you."

Brian's words hit hard. Shawn never thought his best friend would say that to him. He remembered so well when they were kids that they promised "always and forever", it might sounded cheesy but they both knew they were made to be friends until they grew old.

"You should go see her.." Said Brian quietly. "She needs you more than me"

Shawn sighed. "Because she already called you?" Brian hummed.

"You left her, she didn't know what to do." He answered softly. "Dylan is probably there, so try to not get hit." He chuckled lightly

Shawn chuckled along with him as he ran his hand through his hair. "I will try my best." He coughed trying to push away the tears. "You know...I never thought I would lose my first baby..." He whispered

Brian sighed. "Unfortunately, it's a common thing. You shouldn't blame her for that..."

Brian hugged him one last time before leaving him alone. Shawn ordered another drink before going to Phoebe but he never had the balls to leave the bar, instead he stayed in drinking his problems away.

He was just trying to forget. He wanted to forget so bad.

Shawn looked at his phone seeing that it was around two am, he unlocked it and squinted his eyes trying to click on the right number: 'Phoebs❤️' appeared on the screen as it started to ring.

"Where the hell are you?" Yelled Dylan as soon as he answered.

Shawn groaned and rubbed his face. "Is she awake?" He queried. "Phoebe..." He added

Dylan scoffed. "So, now you want to talk to her? You're a little late, bud."

Shawn sighed and tried to keep his calm. "I know...But, I wanted to apologize."

"Your drunk ass is going to do anything with Phoebe right now. You won't talk to her, you won't see her, you won't do nothing." Talked Dylan. "Just give me the bar address and I'll send you an Uber."

"I want to talk to Phoebe." Shawn insisted. "I should have stayed."

"But you didn't." Pointed Dylan making Shawn sighed again. "You're too late, she'll come home tomorrow anyways, you better not say or do anything to her."

"Ugh, alright. Just send me that damn Uber." Murmured Shawn rubbing his eyes. "Please tell her that I love her, please Dylan."

A frustrated sigh escaped Phoebe's best friend as he hummed. "I will, goodnight Shawn."

"Goodnight Dy." He whispered. "Thank you."

Fifteen minutes later, Shawn's uber was parked in front of the bar. He slowly walked to the car and hopped in giving his address. As soon as he reached his apartment, he took of his clothes and laid in bed, Joy in his mind. His eyes closed as he realized that even after Brian's talk, he still had this anger towards his girlfriend.

Oof, I feel so inspired lately.

A lot of you will hate me for the chapters but I want you guys to know that I love you and it'll get better! Xx

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