Why do i feel this way About You?

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Scott's POV:

Scott was laying in his bed when he felt it dip. Warm arms wrapped around his waist and a nose nudged his neck. The body tightened around Scott and he sighed in content.

"Did I wake you?" Scott heard a rough voice ask. Scott shook his head before facing the figure.

"Nah I'm fine Der." Derek smiled at Scott and kissed his forehead gently. Scott curled up to Derek and closed his eyes as Derek kissed his jaw before also closing his eyes.

"I-I lov-"


Scott slammed his hand on top of the alarm clock and growled tiredly. he had a dream about Derek... Derek Hale...

Scott would probably be the first to admit that Derek was a hot sex god walking in two feet. He just had that hot badass vibe to him. It makes Scott feel protected.

Woah woah wait what? Protected? What was he? Some girl from a romance comedy????? No! And he wasn't gay or isint or is or-I DONT KNOW ANY MORE!

But was it wrong that he enjoyed the dream Derek's hug and kisses? Was it really wrong?

Scott sighed an decided to take a shower.It was Saturday: basically Lazy Day and Scott didn't mind one bit. Why he left his alarm on, he didn't know.

When Scott got out Of the Shower with just a towel, he was surprised to see Derek sitting on his bed looking at his math Homework left out from Friday.

"You do know this is wrong right?" Derek asked him. Scott just stared.

"Scott?" Derek asked looking up. He froze as he saw Scott half naked in front of him. Scott leaned on the door.

Yep. Totally didn't mind.

Derek's POV:

Derek stared at Scott's dripping wet body. He could smell the soap on Scott and the type of conditioner he used. Derek's eyes raked up and down Scott, trying not to imagine what's underneath the towel.

Derek swallowed and looked away with slightly heated up cheeks. Oh god...

"Uh...Derek... I have to change..." Scott said with a small smile despite the embarrassed blush covering his cheeks. Derek nodded and turned.

He could hear Scott shuffling around the room when it stopped. Derek heard the towel fall and blushed for some unknown reason.

"Ok I'm done." Scott stated and sat next to Derek on the bed.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of your visit Mr.Hale?" Scott teased at Derek's obvious discomfort and nervousness.

"Scott we need to talk about something important." Derek stated softly.

Scott took realization on how important it seemed to be an nodded, lightly touching Derek's knee with his own. Derek relaxed at the contact. Scott was most defiantly his mate.

"Scott...do you know what mates are?" Derek asked.

"Yeah sure I guess. I uh read about it. Dogs, wolves and other creatures mate to make heirs I guess." Scott shrugged.


Derek groaned at how awkward this situation was. he was about to tell Scott that he, a 16 year old boy, was mates to him, Derek Hale, 21 year old.

"Well for werewolves it's different. Its really rare for a wolf to find their mates but when they do it's like they found their other half." Derek explained while Scott listened thoughtfully.

"Uh well... mates help each other with a lot of things like helping each other stay calm easier, being more protective then others like pack, it's easier to gain control."

"Ok... why are you telling me this?" Scott asked innocently as Derek have a nervous laugh.

"Scott...i think your my mate."

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