More Bad Guys? Joy...

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Scott was walking down the hallway with Isaac when he paused and growled. Scott glanced down the hall and saw a pair of twins smirking at them.

"Isaac, calm down dude." Scott soothed softly. Isaac scoffed but obeyed. As they moved farther away Isaac spoke.

"That was them. The ones who killed the girl who saved me."

Scott paused for a second.

"Well, just calm down. We'll think of something. They are in the Alpha pack right?" Isaac gave a curt nod.

"Then we wait and see their intentions." Scott amended and pulled Isaac into a classroom. After the bell rang Isaac shot up.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Mr.Harris nodded and Isaac left swiftly. Scott also jumped up.

"I have to go to the bathroom to."

"Sit down Mr.McCall."

"But it's an emergency." Scott slightly whined at the teacher who rolled his eyes.

After a small argument, commotion was heard outside, into the hallway. Stiles and Scott along with the rest of the class walked out and saw a beat up Ethan and a pissed off Isaac.

"What is going on?!" Mr.Harris yelled angrily.

"H-He just attacked me." Ethan 'whimpered.' Danny gently helped Ethan up as Isaac got a suspension. Scott looked lost, confused and angry.

Later Scott and Stiles sat in the seats next to Ethan and his twin Aiden's seat in...ugh Ms.Blake's class.

Scott pulled a metal motorcycle part out off his bag and saw how it caught the eye of the twins.

"Huh, I wonder if this is important." Scott shrugged looking at Stiles who grinned and Scott pulled another piece out and chuckled lightly. "I have no idea what this thing is haha."

Suddenly the sound of a motorcycle came from the halls and immediately Aiden jumped up with Ethan after him.

"Wait Aiden!" his twin called.

"My bike!" Aiden yelled as Isaac sat on it with a smirk. He easily went off as Aiden hopped on and glared. Ms.Blake came out and huffed.

"Come on seriously?!?"

Aiden also got a suspension. Isaac,Stiles, Scott and Allison high-fived each other. Allison and Stiles were the ones taking the parts off.


When Scott got home he was immediately hit with a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Hey." Scott muttered happily.

"Hey." Derek responded.

"Did Isaac tell you what happened at school?" Derek chuckled softly and nodded.

"He texted me." Scott also chuckled and went to the kitchen for food.

"Hey Scottie..."


"We are having a pack meeting in a few hours ok?" Scott poked his head out of the fridge.

"Oh ok."

Derek nodded. The air seemed awkward. The thing that happened the night before... yeah oh well.

"I still haven't told the pack. I haven't had the time."

Scott suddenly felt really sad thinking about Derek's pack. Erica was dead, he found his 'I thought she was dead' sister. It was just sad. Scott walked up to Derek and wrapped an arm around Derek's waist and sighed. Derek rubbed Scotts shoulder and smiled lightly.

"Go get ready babe ok? I have to go-" Derek was broke off as Scott kissed his lips. Derek lightly kissed back, putting a hand on Scotts cheek and one on his shoulder. Derek pulled away.

"Or I can stay a bit."


Derek did leave an hour or two before the meeting. Scott walked through the doors of the loft and warily walked in.

"What-What are you doing?" he stammered softly. Derek glanced up from the planning sheets and looked at Scott who was a bit pale.

"The schemers are scheming." Peter answered. As Boyd explained the plan Scott shook his head.

"Why do we always have to kill someone? Can't we go
One time without it?"

Cora, Dereks sister, growled lowly causing Derek to glare.

"Why do we even need this kid?"

"This kid saved your life." Derek defended his mate.

"And we're not killing all of them, just Deucalion." Boyd explained again. "Cut off the head of the snake, the body dies."

"But this isn't a snake. It's a hydra." Peter smirked.

"He's still the leader." Derek said to Peter pointedly.

"Well lets hope so. Cause do you know what happened when Hercules cut off a head of a hydra?"

"Two more grew in its place." Scott mumbled softly with frowned eyes.

"Well, someone's been doing there summer reading." Peter teased lightly.

Scott shrugged his jacket on then grabbed his helmet and was about to head out his bedroom door when Isaac stopped him.

"We're are you going?"

"I-I'm going get food...?" Scott stuttered.

"Oh what kind?"


"Dude I love Mexican!" Isaac cheered.

"Isaac, it's ok. I can eat alone." Scott protested. Isaac shook his head.

"No you can't."


Scott and Isaac rode to the penthouse and Scott walked in with Isaac. Deucalion was waiting for them.

"I see your not alone Scott." Deucalion purred.

"Yeah, this is my friend Isaac." Scott said. Deucalion smirked and shook his head.

"I don't mean Isaac."

Derek, Boyd and Cora stepped out.

"Derek?" Scott asked with a slight betrayed voice. "You knew I would do this. Derek let me talk to him!" Scott said in realization.

"We're going after him. Just him." Derek growled, red eyes blazing but it still had the gold outline mixed with a blue color. Suddenly, Kali, Ennis, and Ethan an Adien came out growling.

The fight began.

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