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In every story there are the protagonists and the antagonists. It just so happens that the antagonist goes to Beacon Hills High School. No not as a student but a teacher.


Sure Scott and Derek and the others saved her life, but here is the problem. She is head over heels in love with Derek. And really, it drives Scott crazy.

"Uh Scott, a word?" The devil called. Scott huffed and went to her desk while everyone else walked out.


"Um can you give this to Derek? For me please?" She asked.

"What is it?" Scot felt his anger start to bubble over. He hated Ms. Blake with a burning passion. She tries to steal Derek away but can't seem to take the hint of NOT INTERESTED!

"Just a little gift I thought to give him. No big deal right?" She asked. Warning bells went off in his head as he took the box. He didn't want to give it to Derek but whatcha gonna do.

Nodding, Scott left the room, heading towards the black Camaro that waited outside the School. Derek smiled when he saw Scott but soon frowned when he saw Scott's pissed face.

Before he could ask, Scott shoved a small box into Derek's chest and sat in the passenger seat of the car with a slammed door. Derek looked confused at his mates actions but looked at the box anyway.

It smelled like Jennifer Blake. sigh...

He opened it and found a Rolex watch inside. He stared wide eyed at it before reading the small note.

Dear Derek,

I hope you like this present. It was just another way of saying thank you. Maybe we could meet up sometime and go for a drink once your done with these teenagers yeah? Anyway thanks again.

-J.B <3

Derek growled as he glared at the watch. Just as he was about to leave he saw Jennifer Blake walk out of the school and smile at him. Derek grunted and turned, walking back into the car.

As he sat down, Derek watched Scott looking out the window, pissed expression gone but was now replaced with a tired sad face.

Derek hated that face. He would rather have Scott pissed, yelling and screaming at him then Scott's sad face. He really looked like a kicked puppy.




"What did she give you today?" was Scott's only response.

"Nothing important." Scott 'hmphed' before going back to staying quiet. Derek sighed and started Driving to Scott's house. At a red light, Derek glanced at Scott only to see he was on his phone.

The light didn't look like it was going to change for a while with all the traffic and leaned over, licking Scott's cheek like a dog.

Scott shrieked a(not so) manly shriek and pushed Derek off. Scott started wiping his cheek.

"What was that for!" Scott whined.

"You were moping."

"Was not." Scott mumbled, heart beat picking up a bit.

"Sure Scottie." Derek laughed and drived during the green light.


Scott collapsed on his bed and groaned. He was so tired and stressed. Mr.Harris gave him a hard time then at much he got sick, literally, Stiles rubbed his back as he puked, and to top if all of Mrs.Blake is hitting in his boyfriend! Splendid day actually.

"Scott?" Derek's concerned voice asked.


"Are you ok?"



Derek crawled over to Scot and started to rub his back. Scott moaned as he felt his stiff muscles finally relax.

"Now what's wrong?"

"I don't feel good..."

Scott could feel Derek tense slightly but didn't think anything of it. Derek hit a certain part of Scott's body that was in pain and he yelped.


"Sorry!" Derek kissed where it got hurt.


"A little. I ah also hurt my neck." Derek raised an eyebrow at Scott before kissing and sucking on Scotts neck leaving love bites up and down.

"And here." Scot pointed to his collar bone. This game went on for a while of Derek kissing all on Scott's 'sore parts' making Scott moan each time.

Soon Derek met Scott's lips in a very heated make out session. Derek swiped his tongue out over Scott's bottom lip inciting a moan.

Scott pulled away and smiled at Derek. Derek gave Scott an Eskimo kiss before kissing Scott's nose. Scott scrunched up his face and laughed. Curling into Derek, Scott started drifting.


Derek came to Beacon Hills High early re next morning to give Ms.Blake back her gifts. Kids arrived as he walked into her room.

"Derek?" she asked, excitement in her eyes.

"Came I take the offer?"

"No. I came to give you this." And handed her the Rolex watch. She looked down at it then Derek in confusion.

"Look, thank you for the gifts, really thanks but I... don't like you that way. I'm with someone else at the moment..."

"Scott right?" Derek looked t her in shock before nodding slightly.

"One more gift?"


Ms.Blake leaped off her stool and slammed her lips on Derek's. He was to frozen to move. A sharp intake broke them both off. Scott was standing there with wide eyes and a hurt/confused expression.

"Scott i-" Derek didn't get to finish as Scott ran outta the room.

Well this was going swell.

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