First Dates

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Scott and Derek were making out on Scott's bed. Wait. Let me rephrase that. Scot and Derek were having a hot all action make out session on Scotts bed...hmmm that's better.

Scott than stopped.

"Wait wait Der."

"What?" Derek asked caressing Scott cheeks. Scott leaned into the touch.

"I don't want our relationship to be based on just make out sessions."

"So..." Derek inquired. "You don't want to make out?"

Scott made a snort of disbelief.

"Of course I want to make out Der! Just..." he shifted alittle. "I want to have a normal relationship."

"Nothing's normal anymore Scott." Derek chuckled. "But ok. A normal relationship." Scott smiled and kissed Derek's cheek..

"So Scott." Derek said, kissing Scotts jaw near his ear. "Do you want to go on a date?"

Scott groaned alittle as Derek found a sweet spot. "Uh...sure yeah ahh to-totally." Derek smiled.


"W-when is it?" Scott mumbled when Derek switched sides and found the same spot on the opposite one.

"Hmmm Friday. Wear something... casual."

"Friday. Mhhhmm ok ok I-I can do that. Ca-Casual to huh.... got it mphm." Derek pulled away and looked down at Scott with a smile. He rubbed his nosed gentle on Scotts and smiles at Scott's cute giggle.

"Ok Friday."


Scott pulled Derek back down by the shirt and slammed his lips on his own.


When Friday did finally come Scott was...excited. Well yeah but he was also completely terrified! His first date with Derek and he was probably going to blow it yeah?


Scott had a long white sleeves shirt under a greenish type shirt with a pair of jeans and sneakers.

Derek did say casual!

His mum entered his room while he was fixing his hair. She noticed Scott's energy boost the last couple of weeks and wondered why. Now she can see. He was getting ready for a date.

"So ahhhh who is the lucky one?" She asked, scaring Scott in the process. He was so busy fixing his hair to be perfect that he didn't even realize his mum was there.

"Uhhhh." Scott blushed.


"It's ummm Derek." His mum looked at him confused.

"Derek? Derek Hale is going on a date....with you?"

"Well he asked me on the date so..." Scott nervously looked around the room when Derek happened to come through the window.

"Hey Sc-Mrs.McCall!" Derek said looking Shocked.

"You" she said pointing at Derek then to the bed. "Sit." The pointed to Scott and the bed. "You sit to."

Both boys went to sit on the bed. Melissa watched, just as they sat down, Scott was practically leaning against Derek's chest while Derek had a protective arm around Scotts waist and hip.

"So when were you going to tell me?"

"Uh never?" Scott questioned his answer. Derek lightly cuffed him on the head.

"We were going to tell you after Scott felt comfortable telling people." Derek answered. Scott nodded rubbing his head were Derek hit. Derek noticed and chuckled, kissing it and Scott beamed at him.

"Yeah I mean, it was a little hard to tell Stiles but he was ok with it." Scott said.

"Woah woah wait! Stiles knows but not your own mother?!" Scott looked down realizing his mistake.

"He was worried that you wouldn't" Derek finished lamely as he tried to comfort Scott. Melissa watched as Scott buries his head in his hands and Derek lightly rubbed his back whispering comforting words in his ear.

"Scott, sweetie, I'm your mother. I would accept you in any way! I mean yes it's a shock but that doesn't mean I love you any less." Scott looked up at his mum with teary wide eyes. it was really tearing him apart.

He jumped up an hugged his mum saying thank you ad I'm sorry over and over again. Derek watched with a smile. When Scott and Melissa pulled apart she put a hand on her hip.

"So... your going on a date?" Both boys nodded. She nodded as well.

"I expect him home by midnight. No later." Scott and Derek both nodded again and rushed out the window to Derek's black Camaro and they drove off.


Derek took Scott to a small clearing in the woods that he found. It was beautiful. There was a small lake and trees. It was beautiful but the best part was the waterfall. They were behind it. Derek brought a small picnic basket with both there favorite foods inside.

After they finished eating, Scott dragged Derek to the edge of the water fall and stripped off his shirts. Derek watched Scotts muscles flex with the movement.

Scott took Derek's hand and jumped into the water with Derek not far behind. They splashed each other and swam with each other and the best part was, the full moon was above them. Scott's just happy they both know control.

Derek held Scott in the water. It was calming after a while, foreheads resting and smiles all around. Suddenly, Scott's head jerked up and he yipped happily.

"Look Derek! A Shooting Star!! Make a wish!!" Scott said, following the glowing beam with his eyes.

Derek saw it as well and watched Scott staring into the Sky. The moon hit his face perfectly showing the creases and defined jaw line of this beautiful man in front of him.

Scott feeling Derek's gaze in him turned and raised an eyebrow. Derek brushed hair outta Scotts eyes and smiled.

"Why wish for something when all I really want is right here in front of me?" Scott blushed but smiled as Derek leave down and pressed a sweet kiss to him just as the moon rose to its peak.


When Derek arrived with Scott at the McCall residence both boys took a shower (separately) and Scott put a pair of boxers on and left another out for Derek. As Derek emerged from the shower with the boxers he saw Scott made room for him on the bed as his sleeping mate slept.

Derek climbed in and wrapped his arms around Scott as he unconsciously came closer to Derek. Derek let sleep take over.

Everything seemed perfect.

A/N: Heeeeey guys!!! I'm sooo glad you like the story!!! I'm sorry I haven't updated that often but that is going to change! I'm going to try to update more often soooooo please don't kill me if its late ok?? Thnk you!!! I love you guys!!! Bye!!!😝😝😝😝

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