Losing Everything

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Have you ever felt like the world could be against you? That karma was always there? Once you had something it was gone only seconds later? Scott asked himself this as he rested his yea agains of the window of the bus riding to a cross country game. As he looked through the transparent glass with teary eyes he side and inked letting an unshed tear slip down his cheek.

"I can't believe he's dead." He whispered knowing Stiles could hear him. "I can't believe Derek's dead."


Stiles stared at his best friend who was letting barely any tears go down from his eyes. Why did Derek die? What the hell really happened?

"Scott, you know it's not your fault." He glanced down as his friend winced in pain. Scotts shirt to the left was turning red.

"I knew it! I knew we should have come!"

"I'm fine." Scott rasped softly. "Its a scratch by an Alpha so it'll take longer to heal."

Stiles sighed and looked ahead at Isaac and Boyd. Boyd looked like he was gonna attack someone.

"Scott....Scott!" he pointed to the turning werewolf and Scott jolted up and winced again as he made his way toward Boyd. The talked softly for a few minutes before Scott came back and sat down.

Stiles grabbed his phone and called Lydia.

"I'm calling Lydia."

"But she's in Beacon Hills." Scott answered softly with closed eyes.

"No, they have been following us for the last couple hours." stiles replied before Lydia answered with a lame excuse.

"I know you've been following us. Look put me on speaker. Scott isn't healing."

"What do you mean Scott isn't healing?" Allison asked concerned for her Alpha.

"His wound isn't healing and the blood is turning black."

"Well try to get Coach to take a rest stop." Stiles argued with her bout Coach being reasonable before seeing the suffering car sick Jared and smiled evilly.


Yes Stiles made Jared throw up. Probably his most effective plan yet. Allison took Scott to the bathroom and they looked at his wound.

"Scott..." Allison whispered with a hand over her mouth.

"Maybe it's physiological." Lydia said in a whisper.

"What it's all in its head?" Stiles reprimanded angrily.

"Yes. He could be stopping himself from healing from trauma or something!" Lydia hissed out.

"Wait, that's it. He's not letting himself heal because Derek died!" Stiles realized.

"I could probably stitch him up but I need time." Allison muttered Heating up a needle.

"I can by you time." Stiles grabbed Lydia's hand and rushed out of the restroom.

Allison gently patted Scott's cheek, waking him up.

"Hey Scott, Scott look at me. Stay with me ok, Scott?" She struggled with putting the thread through the needle but when she did she immediately started stitching Scott up.

When she finished she sighed in relief but looked at Scott and frowned.

"Scott?" She put her ear next to his lips and didn't feel any breath come out and she backed away. "Scott?"


Isaac had been on edge since Derek's death. Scott right now was basically the only one who cared for him so he kept an ear on him. Then all sounds of heart went dead.

He hear Allison whimper and he froze. Scott was dead. Scott was dead. Scott was fucking dead. Anger tore through Isaac as he watched Ethan flirt with Danny when Scott was dead.

He lanced himself at the alpha and started beating the shit outta him while Boyd watched with a smile. Coach and other students were trying to get Isaac off when a yell above the crowd made him freeze.

"ISAAC!" He slowly turned and looked into the eyes of an alive and breathing Scott McCall and he smiled.


When the bus came to a stop at a hotel they separated into groups, ignoring Lydia's warning, and went into their rooms. Something bad was going to happen very soon.

A/N:Hey guys!! So I made this chapter based on Scott's perspective and the others after the fight. The next chapter will probably Derek's perspective and the fight or maybe I will split that into two parts... I don't know. Well bye and thanks for reading.

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