Mates?Us? Now??

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Scott's POV:

Scott didn't know how to feel at the moment. I mean in one side he was happy, relieved and carefree. Probably his wolf.

On the other side he was completely shocked and startled and confused. Derek's mate? That seemed a little far fetched yeah? But that was mostly his human logical side.

He's been silent for to long.

Derek's POV:

Derek didn't like Scott's quietness. It felt like a sign of rejection. Derek buried his face into his hands and groaned. This isn't going as planned.

A soft hand touched his shoulder and he met warm brown eyes.

"Der? Are you being serious?" Scott asked insecurely. Derek's eyes jerked up to Scott's in a matter if seconds. Did Scott think Derek was trying to trick him or something?

"Yes.Totally serious." Scott just nodded sat quiet for a while. A small smile was played on Scotts lips.

"Ok then well... what do we do about it?" he asked thoughtfully, smiling a Derek.

"Well, we could A) forget it and go on with our lives B) actually try to be mates to see if anything could work out and C) do it under instinct."

Scott just smile wider and thought for another really long time. he does that a lot now doesn't he? Scott turned to Derek, blush firmly edited in his cheeks.

"Well I sorta wanna do b)...." He said softly. Derek looked at Scott with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Really? Like your ok with that?"

"Derek, of course I'm ok with it! But are you?" Scott asked cheekily. Derek blushed lightly and moved a little closer to Scott.

"I'll have you know McCall, I don't mind one bit." Scott leaned his forehead to Derek's so they were resting against each other.


Derek leaned down an lightly pressed his lips to Scott's. It was a soft kiss. Scott's lips were soft and a little roughy and boyish, while Derek's lips were all rough and had a gentle touch to them. their lips moved in sink for a short while, both knew to this new found feeling. Derek pulled back and stared at Scott, eyes shinning with Happiness.

"Scott, there are something's you need to know about mates... when you mate with someone, your are with them forever so if you choose b) like you said, no more girls, no guys, no Allison-"

"Derek! Me and Allison are history! I'm not into her anymore! I've sorta had a crush in you for a while..." Scott trailed off looking at the floor. Derek smirked. looking at Scott's lips they were swollen and Scotts breathing was finally slowing down.

"Hmmm good." And kissed one last kiss to Scott's lips.

"Also with mating I would have to mark you to be mine..."

"So a lot of biting?" Scott asked with a small smile. Derek chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah alot of biting." Scott laughed and rested against Derek quietly. thoughts zoomed through his mind at really fast paces and was starting to give him a headache.

" shouldn't make the decision now if your not ready." Derek replied looking at him worriedly.

Scott shook his head and smiled.

"Nah it's not that. I'm jut wondering what everyone's gonna think. What's Stiles gonna think? Oh my god what is my mum gonna think?" Scott asked. "unless its a secret relationship."

"No. I want you to be comfortable and if telling people so be it." Derek said smiling. Scott smiled back even bigger before relaxing against Derek again.

"So...are you gonna fix your homework?"

Scott through a pillow at him.

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