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Scott stared at Derek in shock. He didn't think Derek would be one to say 'I Love You' to anyone because of what went down with Kate. Scott smiled lightly and curled deeper into Derek.

"I love you too."


Derek and Scott have sort of been inseparable since the whole thing with Ms. Blake.

"Come on Scott."


"Just get up!"


Derek was trying to get the grumbling teenager up outta bed to go to school but nooo he was feeling rebellious today.

"Scott you better get up in the next five seconds or I will find a way to make you." Derek threatened. All he got for a response was a snore.






Hmmmmm how bout....NOOO!

"5!" Derek yelled.

"What about foahahahahaha stahahahap!" Derek had tackled Scott and used his mates biggest weakness. His ticklish tummy.

"Deheheheherek STAHAHAP ihihiht! ahAHAHAHA" Scott squealed.

"Nah this is more fun" Derek smirked. Scott laughed and shoved his shoulders but alas Derek was stronger.

"Ohohook! I'm ahahahaha up!!" Derek then smiled climbing off Scott but kissed his shortly.

"I actually like that better." Scott said cheekily. Derek shook his head in amusement before bowing his head to kiss a short Scott.

"Me too." He mumbled quietly against Scotts lips.

"You still have to go to school."



School was a bit awkward with Ms.Blake there but she left him alone...mostly.

She would call on him all the time and he could feel her glare from afar. But that didn't matter. He had Derek's trust and love. That's all that matters to Scott.

Being able to openly say "I love you" to someone you love dearly was a huge void in Scotts stomach that had disappeared shortly after he met Derek.

"DerBear." He whined into the phone.


"Can I come back now?" He had free periods the rest of the day...surprisingly.


"But I have all free periods!"

"No Scott. You need to study, your grades have improved yes but you need to get them a little higher yeah?" and with that Scott huffed but agreed.

"Ok now that that's settled, I have a few errands to run but i'll come by later ok?"

"Mhm ok." Scott laughed and the call ended. He didn't know why but whenever Scott talked to Derek or heard his voice or even his name, he felt totally relaxed.

Scott was at the library and decided to do some research about mates.

This is what came up:

For a werewolf, mates are practically their other half. There are two kinds of mates. The dominant an the submissive. Werewolves aren't picky in gender but if two males were mates together then they would have to find out the Alpha and the Beta. If both males are dominant then it can cause trouble for them either resulting in injury or even death. Mating is the same, like us humans. Except with werewolves or even regular wolves, there is a lot of bitting and a lot of scent marking to warn other males/females that this was their mate. The submissive, whether male or female, at a certain point, go into heat. Heat is like a sex trigger. It is their way of showing true submission to their dominant mate. If the heat goes unchecked then the submissive wolf would either die, injury himself/herself, hurt their mate or commit suicide due to the overpowering range it comes with, especially males. The wolf must have an intimate relationship for the heat to die down. Most of the time, submissive heat makes the dominant wolf go into rut. They feel protective and needy towards their mate. Once the mates are through with heat and rut, they start to go through the whole mating process. The mating process has four parts to it.

Part 1) Touch. The two wolves they have chosen to be mated to have to touch, get familiar with their mates body, the feel of their skin

Part 2) Scent. They have to get familiar with each others scent. Dominant mates tend to be more possessive then submissive mates. If they smell another scent on their mate they may attack their mate.

Part 3) Sex. Now that was a givin. Sex is there to complete the mating bond they share with each other. It shows their true passion and love for each other. Most of the time thought the sex stage is call Making Love for it isn't mindless sex.

Part 4) Mark. The final stage of the mating process. The bite mark shows ownership of the two mates as they are made into one wolf. They are complete.

Now some people don't really know this but there is one last stage.

Mates. They not only become a couple but they are mates for life. They won't be interested in anyone else, only their mate. Werewolves should be certain that this is the person they want to be with because they will have them forever.

Scott read and re-read it. Some he already knew but what he didn't know was all the parts to the mating process and dominance and submissiveness. The bell rang indicating it was time to leave. Scott quickly printed the page and ran out to his bike to ride home. He had been there at the library almost 3 hours looking at multiple sites on mates and werewolves.

When he came up to his room he spotted Derek immediately on his bed. He dropped his backpack and jumped on Derek.

"Scott!" Derek groaned underneath the teenager. Scott chuckled and rested his head on Derek's chest.

"How was your day?"

"Boring. How was school?"

"I found out stuff." Derek shifted and looked at Scott with a tilted head.

"Did you now? Mind telling me what it's about?"

"The Mating Process."

"0.o" *thud*


A/N: Hey guys!! Um well I have something I need advice on... I uh maybe kissed one of my friends and I don't know what do... also don't you think Give Your Heart A Break by Demi Lavado is the perfect song for Scott a Derek?

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