Double Dates Part 2

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When Scott and Derek arrived at the Skate Ring, they immediately spotted Isaac and Allison sitting on the bench. Scott made his way over with Derek in tow.

"Hey guys!"

"Scott!" Allison yelled, hugging Scott tightly. "You came! Where's your-" She cut herself off when she saw Derek.

"Derek's your date?" Scott laughed and nodded blushing a little. Isaac eyed him and Derek before smiling and hugging both of them. It was good to see them.

"Sooo let's go skate!" Allison yelled.

They all went and got their Skates and waddled over to the ring with everyone else. Scott helped Derek walk a little and Derek sat down.

"Come on Der!" Scott whined. Derek shook his head.

"I want to watch you first."

Scott sighed but nodded, giving Derek a smile.

"Fine but when I come back we are skating together." Derek chuckled and nodded and Scott took off.

Scott had his hands in his pockets as he skated around the ring with Isaac and Allison. He started skating backwards and waves at Derek who waved back.

Suddenly, just as Scott turned around a girl ran right into him and he caught her before falling, werewolf reflexes, and he had her in a dip position. Derek felt jealousy bubble up.

Derek saw the girl had blonde hair and blue eyes an they looked at Scott with a familiar face. The one Scott gives Derek every time he sees him. Shit. Looks like she has a crush.

Scott stood the girl up straight and apologized, clearly uncomfortable. The girl grabbed Scott's, well Derek's, jacket before he left. Scott made more uncomfortable movements and Derek's wolf was angry. Derek stood and moved on the skates. He was ok...

Scott pulled away from the girl and skated away. Derek watched as she tried going after him but was jut as good as Derek himself.

Luckily, Derek had gotten the hang of it... sorta... and reached Scott first. the girl was right behind Derek and Derek grabbed Scott's waist for protection an so he wouldn't fall.

Scott jumped and turned smiling when he saw Derek.


"Um excuse me?" A quiet voice said. Both turned and faced the blonde girl.

"Yes?" Scott asked politely.

"C-can you teach me how to skate?" She asked looking at Scott.

Scott looked at Derek then at the girl.

"Ummm sure?" he asked, Derek rolled his eyes at Scott's good manner.

"Derek, your skating to remember!" Derek raised an eyebrow at Scott.

"Come on! Pweeeease!" Scott whined giving him the puppy eyes. The girl shifted uncomfortably.

"A-actually, I jut t-thought it would be the t-two of us." She stuttered. That made up Derek's decision.

"Fine." He muttered. Scott smiled and made Derek hold his waist while he held the girls hand. Scott handed Derek his Jacket.

"Don't want to get her scent on it." Scott whispered with a smile.

After a few tries, the Blonde had got it. She squealed and jumped, hugging Scott who was caught off guard and almost made him fall. He got the girl off him and looked for Derek.

Derek skated around the ring once with out falling and Scott skates over giving him a hug that actually made them fall over.

Scott and Derek bursts out laughing and Scott rested his head in Derek's chest for a few minutes before looking in Derek's eyes, twinkling with happiness. He was glad.


Meanwhile in the bathroom Chelsea, the blonde who Scott helped, shook her head and sighed. Her plan wasn't turning out right. When she first looked into Scott's eyes (yes she found out his name) she knew she was in love. He caught her. He showed he wouldn't let her fall.

She has been trying to get him to do something with the chemistry that created but... Nothing is working.

Suddenly a pretty brunette came into the room, fixing her hair.

"Hey." she said. Chelsea smiled.


"I've ah...seen you try to get Scott to like you yeah?" Chelsea looked at the girl in shock.

"Uh yeah..."

"Stop trying ok?"

Chelsea was taken back. "What?"

"Stop trying to get Scott to like you. My name is Allison. His ex girlfriend. Now his close friend." Chelsea looked at Allison with wide eyes.

"Look I came here with Scott, Derek and my boyfriend. Listen, leave Scott alone ok? He's not interested in you."

Chelsea glared. "He's warming up!" Allison laughed and shook her head. Allison knows when Scott wants something or loves someone he won't give them up that easy.

"No. He's being nice. Scott loves someone else! He loves Derek." Allison said. "Better you see it now then get hurt later ok?" And Allison left. Chelsea thought about then shook her head.

No. No way in hell is Scott gay. I mean yeah, Derek is hot but no Scott isn't his type....right?

Chelsea walked out and saw Allison and a blonde boy talking then kissing. She started looking for Scott and saw him with Derek. He was pulling Derek who was playfully glaring at Scott but seemed to be having fun.

Hurriedly making her way over to them she tried different strategies.

"Boy it sure is cold in here yeah?" She asked. Scott looked at her and gave a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah it is. Damn I shoulda left the jacket on..." Scott huffed like a child causing her to smile but Derek came over and smiled at Scott. He took off his jacket and gave it to Scott.

"Told you not to take it off."

"Shut up DerBear." Scott teased.

"No way Scottie!" Derek teased back. Chelsea watched the interaction with confused eyes. Why did he not act that way with her? he gave her small smiles and Derek huge 100 watt smiles.

Maybe Allison was right.

"Hey Scott?"Scott looked over at her.


"Do you wanna go out sometime?" She asked bravely.

"Sorry...I'm on a date." Scott said awkwardly. Derek came over after his round. He was getting used to this.

"What's going on?" he asked sensing Scott's guiltiness and Chelsea's disappointment.

"Uhhh Chelsea asked me out." Scott muttered. Derek froze.

"Oh." he said stiffly. Scott pulled Derek's hand closer to him.

"Chelsea I'm sorry I didn't make it clear enough but... this is boyfriend." Scott said bravely because they didn't label their relationship other then mates or dating. Derek smiled.

"Oh...sorry I didn't know." She said awkwardly and quickly skated away.

Scott sighed and Derek knew he felt guilty.

"You were honest its ok."

Scott nodded. Derek kissed Scott's lips and Scott instantly felt better.

A/N: Awwwww poor Chelsea but she did try to get Scott from Derek. She was rude then she fell ,Karma! Honestly this chapter didn't go as planned but hey whatcha gonna do? so sorry if it sucks...

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