Chapter 5: A Walk in Hela's Halls

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Disconcerted and dismayed by Hela's words, Aurelius tried to think of something to say, but Clarinda spoke first.

"Where did you get those predictions from?" the Venetian girl asked. "There's nothing like that in the manuscripts I've been reading—and I've read almost everything I could get my hands on about the Codex Lacrimae."

Aurelius looked at her, stunned. "You have?"

"Not a word from you," she said, keeping her eyes focused on Hela. "Not right now."

Clarinda was furious. Primo, she was annoyed at herself for starting to feel any kind of attraction toward Santini when she knew very well that it was possible the rumors about the Battle of Mecina were all true.

Secondo, she was still galled at what she'd read about the Codex Lacrimae at Mimir's Well—information that, while disturbing, wasn't as much as she'd have expected considering the Norns all-powerful role in the Nine Worlds. If even half of the myths about the tome were true, then it was a work of almost pure evil. How could even so renowned a knight and obviously clever young man like Santini manage its power? The Dark Book was so powerful that it was reputed to rival the cosmic forces wielded by Odin the All-Father himself!

E terzo, Hela's behavior! Although healed now, Santini's wound had been horrific—a slash that cleaved through muscles, exposed part of his spine, and forced Clarinda to push hard against internal organs with all of her strength just to keep his body from falling apart. Modgud shouldn't have been allowed to collect a 'payment' when one of the Norns was accompanying a visitor to Hel! Even if she weren't technically Urd yet, Clarinda knew that leeway existed for a Sister of Fate to bring 'guests' through Hela's domains so that the sinning person could see firsthand the nightmares that waited if ways weren't changed.

Besides malice—and possibly testing Santini to see if he could muster the power of the Codex—Clarinda couldn't see any reason for the attack by Modgud, and the pointlessness of it irritated her to no end.

Finally, there was Hela's greeting of Santini and all that her words betokened.

Nine centuries until Death comes to claim him, Clarinda? Even your bones will be dust in a forgotten grave by then. He's going to spend some time here, living in Hel? The Queen of the Dead bows to him? Has he really killed that many people? What do I even know about him at all? He saved us from the Fossegrim, but if he'd listened to me and not touched the River Perilous in the first place, we wouldn't even be here! Same thing goes for grabbing Hav's little "gift" and transporting us to Hel.

"You would know, had you come by the normal paths and not by those of the Codex." Hela smiled, and a chill passed through Clarinda.

"We didn't come here because of the Codex Lacrimae," Clarinda retorted. "Santini touched a gift from a Nøkken."

"Are you sure?" Hela mused. "I've never heard of a fossegrim being able to transport through the worlds. That's why they remain in the seas and waterways."

Clarinda was suddenly uncertain. She'd assumed that the coincidence of Santini touching the leather envelope and their appearance in Hel were related. She'd not even considered the possibility of the Codex Lacrimae at work because the Dark Book wasn't here.

Or was it?

She looked at Santini and wondered, and then Hela spoke again.

"Enough of this. Come, Children—there's someone who'd like to speak with you. We sensed your arrival and I came to give proper greeting."

In a flowing movement of her swirling black cape, Hela stepped between Clarinda and Aurelius and put her arm possessively through his. He looked to Clarinda, and she gave a slight nod. She was touched that he sought her guidance when Hela was certainly doing all she could to create tension between them, and then got angry at herself for feeling anything agreeable toward him. Even if he'd used the Codex Lacrimae unwittingly, it was still his fault that they were in Hel.

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