Chapter 3: A Deadly Apprenticeship

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Soon after leaving Ibn-Khaldun, Jacob and Brother Nicholas ascended the tower that housed Arcadian's chambers on the top floor.

Brother Damian moved from where he stood before the three picture windows and intercepted them. "Ah, you're back."

Jacob took a stool in the corner, noting that the Grand Master wasn't present, but relieved to see Brother Demetrius, who stood washing his hands near the garderobe, pouring water from a porcelain ewer into a basin. Jacob guessed that he'd just finished the surgery to Mercedier's midsection.

Demetrius' crown of white hair and suntanned face were familiar from Jacob's first meeting with Ríg when the monk had taken the herbs to Ibn-Khaldun, and somehow had managed to escape the destruction and death in the hospital ward. In this moment, though, the elder man's features were severe, and, if Jacob had been paranoid, the boy could swear that Demetrius was scowling at everyone.

"He rests," Damian said quietly, "and that potion you left with Brother Demetrius seems to have eased some of Mercedier's discomfort." He bowed slightly to Brother Nicholas who stood near Jacob. "Merci for the help you gave me and Brother Demetrius."

"Indeed," Demetrius agreed, drying his hands. His tone and gaze softened slightly when he looked at Brother Nicholas. "It was timely advice, mon ami, Nick. If I hadn't gotten here when I did, who knows how that would have affected events?"

"Good, good," Brother Nicholas replied, returning the bow, "and, believe me, it was a pleasure. I served in Antioch and thought I'd seen all manner of sieges, but this one...hmmm. Two armies. Well, it's rather unbelievable, isn't it?"

"We have the finest military minds in the region," Damian assured him, "and we'll convene a council when Mercedier awakens. I'm sure a solution will present itself."He looked curiously from Nicholas to Demetrius. "I wasn't aware that you two knew each other." He shook his head. "There are many surprises this day. I wasn't aware that we'd be getting any transfers from our sister house in Antioch, yet, here you are, Brother Nicholas."

"And a good thing he is, too," Demetrius exclaimed, clasping an appreciative hand on Nicholas's shoulder. "We can use every skilled hand."

"Hopefully, as with other sieges we've withstood, the upcoming days or weeks will merely be a matter of digging in and waiting out Saladin and this other army," Damian said. "Ironic, eh?" Demetrius returned to the stone counter and started to clean his implements. "I mean, waiting out a siege when living in as fortified a castle as this."

"That's the point," Damian said, "we've plenty of provisions.We can wait him out, or hope that reinforcements from Jerusalem will arrive soon."

"The size of this castle is impressive," Brother Nicholas said, his shaky voice suitably awed. "It took me some time to reach this area with young Jacob here. It's enormous." The elderly priest looked sideways for a moment, obviously trying to recall something, then smiled. "Still, Master Damian, for all the strength in its walls, we'd perhaps do well to recall what the Blessed Saint Peter wrote in his First Epistle: ‛Discipline yourselves, and keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the Devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.' Heh, heh. Enemies might lurk within as well as without."

"It never hurts to remain vigilant," Demetrius said. He checked a scalpel;its edge gleamed in the glow of the fire and torchlight. "Let's hope that the Devil doesn't make a visit here—he'd be more like a wolf than a lion in this fortress, don't you agree?So many pilgrims and innocents running about, all playing the parts of helpless lambs."

"We do have a couple of thousand armored knights too, Brother Nicholas," Damian said, the third-in-command of the castle not liking the direction of the conversation. "We'd do well to focus on realities like this ‛traitor'who tried to open the gate. I simply refuse to believe that one of our knights would give the fortress up to the enemy."

"I can't believe it, either, but I know that Epistle ... Brother Nicholas, was it?" Mercedier said. Awake now, he regarded the group from his bed through exhausted eyes."Peter concludes with the proper warning against Satan's ploys: 'Resist him, steadfast in your faith, for you know that your brothers and sisters in all the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.'"He smiled weakly. "Don't worry too much about us letting our guard down.I think that all the warriors here will gladly take the path of mostresistance and suffer what fate we must."

Brother Nicholas chuckled. "I agree, Frère Mercedier, I agree." He slowly made his way to the bed and shook the patient's hand. "It's a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance, and I couldn't agree more. Ever must the presence of the Devil be guarded against. He can appear in any guise, and thus work his wiles in the least expected places."

The robed man motioned confidently across the chamber to Demetrius, who came to the man's side. Both Hospitallers took in the condition of the patient. Mercedier winced as he attempted to shift position, slightly uncomfortable under their gaze.

"Jacob," Nicholas said, not turning to look at the boy, "be a good lad and bring another draught of that potion you mixed earlier to our friend here. He looks to be in some discomfort."

"I agree," Demetrius said. "To recover, his sleep must be a deep and restful one."

"Owww." Mercedier groaned as he took Demetrius's help to get higher on the pillows. "You're right, old friend, and whatever you put in there worked for a little while."

"Be careful," Nicholas said,"it's a strong drink, and some have been known to become so used to its effects that they'd drink nothing else."

Mercedier smiled. "I'll trust you two to tell me when enough's enough, then."

"I didn't have to do much work," Demetrius said dismissively, "so it should just be a matter of getting plenty of rest." He took the vial from Jacob and administered the potion.Mercedier choked a bit at the first sip, then drank gratefully before leaning back in exhaustion.

"I'm glad that the boy and Brother Nicholas saw me on their way here," Demetrius continued."Ibn-Khaldun was correct, you know; there was a bit of matter toward the surface.Some gravel from the road when you fell."

"Oui,oui, I forget..." Mercedier heaved a deep breath."We're too old for these kinds of battles."

"What's that?" Demetrius asked.

"Oh, nothing," Mercedier replied."I'm just...feeling my years...and complaining because I've got nothing better to do .... need to hear the reports."

"Ríg and Marcus took the fight to the intruders and they all disappeared down the loggia,"Damian said, as he peered through the picture windows.

"I saw Ríg getting taken to the new hospital ward," Jacob said.

"So he lives!" Mercedier said with heartfelt relief.

A bustling in the corridor caught everyone's attention.

"We should go," Nicholas told Damian and Demetrius."I wanted to make sure that Mercedier took another dose, but as my young apprentice here said, this squire, Ríg, is being taken to the pilgrim cells.With all this action, I believe that all physicians should be there to help."

"Oui, go,"Damian said. "Thank you for your help, Brother Nicholas."

"I do what I can," Nicholas replied with a respectful bow, "the rest is up to you."

"I'll see you shortly when we've attended to our respective duties," Demetrius promised."Have you seen those two nurses you brought with you from Antioch?"

"Oh, Sisters Nikola and Helena? They're helping convert the cells into the makeshift hospital," Nicholas replied."We'll soon need their expertise. I've heard that this Ríg was cut with blades that had sashanite poisoning on them. Sister Helena's helped me before in that area. I'm sure she's nearby."

The old man looked down at the drowsy Mercedier. "Well done, Brother Demetrius.I'm sure that he'll make an astonishingly quick recovery under your care. Come along, Jacob. We told Master Khaldun that we'd check on Ríg."

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