Chapter 45: A Norn's Moment: The Last Council of the Norns

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The two other Norns were with her in that instant of resumed time, and as Clarinda had intended, they immediately assessed her strategic intentions and designs.

Clarinda, don't do this, Fatima shouted, when she'd seen enough, her voice leaden with dread. In this choice, I See the end of Mimir's Well, I See a reborn Coven of Witches and Druids of Rhydderch, and I See ... Clarinda, you will pass from the Nine Worlds. You'll die!

"Will the Codices be returned?" Clarinda asked.

Yes, they'll ... oh. That's what this is about?

"Exactly," Clarinda replied. "We're the new Norns, Fatima. We're not going to make the same mistakes as our predecessors. Check Skuld's memories. She and Verdandi worked with Dietrich, Veröld Matröd, and Taliesin to try and destroy the Codices. It was the wrong path."

That time's ... blurry, Clarinda. But I do feel Skuld's anger at Taliesin for betraying those who were trying to destroy the books. He sided with ... you, with Urd?

"Si. I've learned that Urd and Taliesin finally realized that the Codices couldn't be destroyed. To do so would upset the dualities of the universe, warping time and space beyond repair. Once they were created, they couldn't be unmade, especially after the Codex Lacrimae transformed their natures."

But, Clarinda, if I read your plan correctly, you're just doing a different variation of what Urd tried to do by the Well when she tried to get killed by Morpeth!

"It wasn't really a suicide attempt, Fatima. She knew what would happen, that her consciousness would coexist with mine. She wanted to put me in the position to do what we're going to do next," Clarinda said.

Clarinda, she was Fate for millennia. What can you possibly do that Urd couldn't?

Genevieve's voice cut in, Fatima, unlike Urd, Clare's willing to risk losing what she loves most.

"God, Genie! You don't have to make it sound so cold!" Clarinda exclaimed.

When am I wrong about men?Genevieve asked.

"All the time!"

Clarinda, explain, please. Fatima said.

"Six hundred years ago, Urd and Taliesin were in love," Clarinda said. "At the end, when they could have permanently ended the threat of Ragnarok, they didn't. They abandoned the field. They cast the Codices into the Ginnungagap and they just ... fled."

Fatima paused, considering, and Clarinda felt the sudden fear radiating from the Arabian woman.

Clarinda, you can't do this. I know Santini. He's still recovering from Mecina, and now just coming to the realization that a moment of anger caused the Codex Lacrimae to kill forty of his comrades in this hospital. He's barely holding onto his sanity with only two of the darker Codices, and now you're going to leave him alone, without you, without Genie ... with only me. How can he possibly ...?

"I don't know!" Clarinda whispered, "but you're right: you'llbe with him. You, Palomides, and Perceval. If he can't find his way with those allies, he doesn't deserve to be this so-called Lore Master!"

Palomides? Fatima paused, and Clarinda knew that she was filtering the name through Skuld's memories. Another one of Arthur's knights? When did he show up?I thought he was a myth, as in the Crusaders belief in Prester John.

"Fatima, I'm sorry, it's Khalil."


"He's dead, but he's also alive again as Khalil and Palomides. It was Thaqib's amulet."

Fatima didn't respond, and Clarinda couldn't sense any emotion from her through the link they shared. "Fatima? Are you all right?"

He's alive, the Arabian woman thought back, different, yes, but I say alive, and that will have to be enough for now. We'll ... deal with Palomides after this crisis is over.

Clarinda? Genevieve's voice was quiet, her apprehension arising as much from knowing Clarinda for so many years as a friend. The moment is cycling back into Being. We can't stay in this present time much longer, but I need to tell you this ... this feeling I have. What I sense. What Verdandi senses. You can't send me away. Mimir needs us, all three of us, working together. That's how it's always been ... what will the worlds be like without the Norns?

"I'm saving the Norns, Genie," Clarinda retorted, "just not in the manner anyone will expect."

You can't know that! Fatima interjected. We've got their memories, but this is all new for us.

"Skuld," Clarinda replied calmly, "use the Sight to See what happens to the Well of Mimir if we don't employ my strategy and, instead, we try to win this battle. Genie's focused too much on the moment, but you can see the future."

I can't really disagree with her, Clarinda. It seems as if this moment can kill us. There was a momentary pause, then Fatima said, Oh! That's not ... Clare, I do See. Genie, I agree with Clarinda. If we continue battling, the Grottoes are destroyed and the Well goes dark ... worse than that, though, is what will come afterwards. The Coven of Mists and the Druids of Rhydderch will eventually bring about the end of the Nine Worlds. Complete annihilation. A Ragnarök from which no life will ever spring again.

"Now use the Sight and See what happens if I allow Old Nick this victory."

Clarinda ... Genie started to say, but Fatima stopped her. Verdandi, she speaks truly. If Old Nick wins here, the Grottoes are ... different, but still in use by us, and the Well ... yes, it remains lit. Mimir remains alive.

Mimir was gone ... dead in that other Future?Genevieve asked.

Worse, the Codices were taken by others who were worse than the risk we run by relying on Santini. He may be mad, but there's enough chance that he'll see this through. She hesitated. Clarinda, what is it about the incarnation of Urd that makes each of you want to die?

"I don't want to die! There's so much to live for, my men, my ships ... Buon Dio, Aurelius ... but ... I don't see any way here except by upsetting Old Nick's plans."

Can't we upset the Devil and not risk losing you? Genie asked.

"The trap's too complex", Clarinda replied, "and I'd not lose any more lives in this damn castle."

And, Genie, trust me. I've seen the alternative, and it's a nightmare that we can't let happen. Fatima's voice suddenly shared the same determination as Clarinda's.Lead the way, Clarinda. We'll follow, and hopefully each of us will survive the trials to come.

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