Chapter 16: A Codex and Vanir at the Well of Fate

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Clarinda began to move again as if the idea were as easy to understand as her stride and—even though many questions were on the lips of everyone except for Andvari and Traeg, who seemed to fully comprehend the supernatural implications—the members of the company followed the Venetian girl into the nearest grove of trees, passing over the soft grasses as silently as a breeze.

Mimir had vanished, but Skuld saw them. The Sister of the Future broke away from the other woman who awaited at the edge of the flaming lake, and moved to embrace Clarinda.

"Urd, Skuld, and Grimnir," Verdandi said. Her words had a formality to them, deliberate by way of introduction. "This is Servius Aurelius Santini, Knight Hospitaller, and potential user of the Codex Lacrimae."

"Well met, Master Santini," Urd said solemnly, "your fate is not a kind one, but there might be much that you can accomplish ere your passing."

"Hail," Grimnir said, "and good to see that you survived Old Nick and the fossegrim."

"Hail, Grimnir," Aurelius returned the greeting with a curt bow, "you left before we had a chance to go fishing."

"So I did, so I did," the grey-bearded man chuckled. "I try to avoid confrontations when at all possible." He pointed to his two wolves who'd emerged from the shadows. "It gets Freki and Geri upset, I think."

Aurelius shook his head. "I've seen those wolves fight. I'm glad to see the two of you survived Hela and the Wilde Jagd."

"Hail, Codex Wielder," Freki said, and then his yellow eyes moved to catch Fenris's attention. "Your pack is safe, Fenris; after Hela left, we showed them the ways through the tunnels. They were running back to your hut the last we saw of them."

"That's good to know." Fenris nodded to both of them. "Thank you."

"Do you still have that little hatchet I gave you?" Grimnir asked Aurelius.

"I do. It's served well for other things than chopping firewood," Aurelius put a hand to the hand-ax. "Would you like it back?"

"No, no; you'll have more need of it than I."

"These others," Verdandi continued, waving a hand toward the rest of the group, "are here by my invitation." She gestured at each member of the company as she spoke. "The Codex Wielder is accompanied by the Arch-Mage Andvari, Sorceress Traeg, and Brigadier-General Halfdan of the dwarves; Skade, the Skiing Huntress, comes with Fenris, Loki-Son; lastly, this is Rudyick, Volund-Son, a Dark Elf."

"Again, I say well met, all of you," Urd said solemnly, "and we're particularly pleased that you've survived thus far, Master Santini."

"Grazie," Aurelius replied. "I've been helped much by my friends, and by one of your own. I don't think that I'd have gotten very far in my adventures without Clarinda here."

"Greetings, Master Santini," Skuld said, stepping past Urd and surprising everyone by embracing the youth.

He felt a genuine kindness and concern radiate from her, feelings enhanced by the fact that she looked identical to Fatima. Ibn-Khaldun's daughter had become like an older sister to him during the last five years at the Krak, and he held her for a long moment as if she were a singular, secure connection to a past that was unraveling the more he learned about it.

"Don't let my sister's somber tone dishearten you," Skuld continued when she broke the embrace. She held both of the Hospitaller's arms at his sides as if she were an aunt who had not seen a nephew in a couple decades and was measuring his growth from boy to man. "Urd tends to speak more directly than is customary for general civility."

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