Chapter 1: The Perfect Life of Andrea Rain Rose

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Andrea's P.O.V.

I felt everyone's eyes piercing on me as I stepped into the halls of Westview High. It didn't bother me, though. It never did. I knew that although the words they uttered about me weren't the nicest things, deep down they were all just insanely jealous. I didn't blame them either. At age 17, it probably seemed to them that I had it all.

First off, I was head captain of the cheerleading team. This is something that everybody knew, but actually wasn't the thing I was most proud of. Of course, everyone knows that cheerleaders aren't exactly perceived as intelligent. I, on the other hand, made up for that with my constant straight a's. I was also on the varsity volleyball team. Yeah, volleyball was cool, I guess, but it wasn't something I really had a passion for. At least the spandex made my ass look good...

Now, out of only these few things I've mentioned, people would be shocked to hear that none of them were really my most proud achievement. I really did have a true passion for singing. When I was a freshman, I competed in the beginning-of-the-year talent show and scored first place. I wasn't a choir geek, but I was known all throughout the school for my outstanding performance of Young & Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. I guess you could consider that my 'big break' in popularity.

I pushed past the crowds of students until I reached my destination. I glanced up at the clock: 7:56. I was early. I placed my hands on the double-doors that lead to the courtyard when suddenly I felt soft lips press against my left cheek. A small grin began to sprout onto my face as I reached behind me. My boyfriend, Ryan James, was probably the cutest guy at my school. I'm not using that lightly, either. Yeah sure, people hated me for a lot of things, but he was probably one of the biggest. The countless girls who have or did have even the slightest crush on him honestly just reassured me even more.

I glanced up to see his hazel eyes gazing at me, "Hey babe." Ryan grinned. I reached my hand around his waist as we proceeded out to the court yard.

"How were basketball tryouts?" I muttered as if I really did care.

"They went great! I know I'm gonna get A team of course, but I'm hoping to get captain..." Ryan continued.

"Hey babessss!" my best friend, Bri, exclaimed.

I shot up from the picnic table Ryan and I had migrated to and gave her a big ole' bear hug.

Lingering behind her were Kelsi, Laney, Claire, and Jenn.

They were great, but I couldn't handle them all the time. Kelsi was fun to have at a party, but she was always way too over dramatic for my liking. Laney, she was a great friend, but... she was also sort of a huge slut. Jenn was nice, but she was too nice... Finally, there was Claire. Now I really straight up just did not like her. She thought she was so cool and popular, but I contradict that. Claire was the person that no one really liked, but everyone was nice to.

"How have you been?!" I questioned Bri. She was the one person that didn't annoy me - most of the time. We were basically sisters. Maybe 96% of the time we were talking shit about people, but we had fun while doing it, and isn't that all that really matters?

"Great, now that I get to see your beautiful face!" She squished my cheeks in between her hands, and I smiled sarcastically.

"Hey, back off Bri," Ryan laughed as he stepped in-between Bri and I, "She's mine!"

I giggled as Bri crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks, trying not laugh.

"Hey guys, I'm throwing a party at my house tonight and you all have to come! Everyone's gonna be there!" Claire shrieked as if she was about to explode.

I hesitated as my smile faded to a scowl. I glanced over at Bri who seemed to be questioning it as well. We both sort of hated her, actually.

"I am so in!" Shouted Kelsi as she began to hump the air.

I let a small laugh escape my mouth and began to nod my head reluctantly. "Yeah, sounds fun. I have nothing else to do..."

After that Bri nodded her head a long with everyone else. Ryan gave me a questioning look, but I decided to overlook it.

Suddenly, everyone around us began to file through the doors and into the halls.

"Oh look guys, it's time to go to Hell!" Bri laughed and rolled her eyes.

I kissed Ryan lightly on the lips, knowing that Mrs.Carson, our principal, was in the courtyard. We didn't want to get in trouble for PDA... Again.

meanwhile in 4th period

I shrugged as I stepped into my Health class. Two girls sat in the corner giggling about something or other. I rolled my eyes and shoved my way to the back of the classroom. I honestly hated everyone with a passion in this period.

"Okay girls, hush up," Mrs.Smithson insisted, indicating the girls I mentioned before, "Today, we're gonna review the Endocrine system and..."

I focused my eyes on a bookshelf that was positioned behind Mrs.Smithson. I hazily examined the stuffed owl that was sitting on the top shelf. Learning about body systems wasn't something that really interested me at all. I nodded my head as if I was listening, but I knew Mrs.Smithson acknowledged I wasn't.

I might not of enjoyed the subject, but I absolutely adored Mrs.Smithson. She helped me with so much throughout the previous 2 years.


I glanced up at the clock hanging at the front of the classroom: 12:27. Three minutes until lunch.

"Ms.Rose, can you read the next paragraph please?" Mrs.Smithson asked politely. I blinked my eyes rapidly to get them back into focus and glanced down at the musty textbook. Light giggles filled the room, but they all soon went faint. I scanned the pages to find where we were in the book until -


- the bell rang indicating that it was time to head to lunch. "Saved by the bell, Andrea!" Mrs. Smithson chuckled and gave me a faint, but meaningful smile. I swung my book bag around my shoulders and smiled back at her. I sprung to the door and waved a quick goodbye.

I began to head to the stairs that lead to the cafeteria. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand grip onto the back of my backpack and pull me into their arms. I glanced up expecting to see Ryan.

"Hey beautiful.."

"You wish, Rossati!" I shrieked as I pushed his arms away and began to giggle. Drake Rossati was one of the many, many guys who were... How do I put this...? Obsessed with me! He might of given off the aroma of drugs and been sort of a sleaze, but he was still hot.

I could feel my cheeks growing red, so I swung around and sprung over to the other set of steps. I glanced back for a few seconds before I trotted down the stairs

. "Catch ya' at the party tonight, babe!" Drake joked as he shot his fingers as if they were guns and puckered his lips.

I rolled my eyes as if I hadn't done that enough times that day and began to head towards the aroma of crusty cheese pizza and over-cooked chicken; The Cafeteria.



What should Ryan and Andrea's ship name be?
Why do Bri and Andrea hate Claire so much? All your questions will be answered if you continue reading!

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