Chapter 12: Time to Talk

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Bri's P.O.V.

"Bri, Andrea... she's missing." My heart dropped as Ms.Rose muttered the awful words I never wanted to hear; I never thought I would hear them, actually. My mind buzzed with what seemed like millions of thoughts. She was kidding...right? Andrea was probably listening in on speaker phone, trying not to laugh. Except as more time passed without hearing a single snicker in the background, I realized that this was real. I might never see Andrea again... A single tear found its way onto my cheek. Andrea's last memory of me could possibly be those horrible words I had said to her at the party. After a long silence, Ms.Rose began to speak.

"Bri... I know this is hard. Trust me, I feel your pain-" I could tell by her voice that she was choking back tears. "-but do you think you could gather a couple of people that were at the party and tell them to go down to the station...?"

"O-of course, Ms.Rose. Anything for Andrea and you." I sighed, still not believing what happened.

"Okay, thank you so much Bri. This is hard for all of us, but we have to do our best to help the police find Andrea..."

"Yes ma'am, I understand... What time should I come to the station...?" I asked. Tears were filling the rim of my eyes, but I was trying my best to keep it together until I got off the phone. I was sure Ms.Rose had already done enough crying herself.

"Uhh.." I heard papers being crumpled in the background, "Is...six o' clock good?"

I glanced over at the digital clock that was sitting on my bedside table. It was already five thirty-seven, but I knew it wasn't exactly an option for me to skip out of this. It wasn't the fact that I didn't want to find Andrea, but I looked like hell since I had already taken off my makeup and put my scraggly brown hair up into a bun. I shrugged slightly as I ran towards my vanity, still holding my cellphone up to my head.

"Yeah... that sounds good." I was frantically digging through my drawers to try and find my mascara, or at least a hair brush.

"Oh yeah, and I already talked to Ryan, Josh, and Grant about coming down to the station... so don't worry about them... Well I have to go, I'll see you there, Bri." I tapped end call and set my phone down beside me.

I quickly applied some mascara, and decided to leave my hair up in a bun. I threw on my Adidas hoodie and slipped my cellphone into the pocket of my dark wash skinny jeans. Maybe it slipped my mind to call people to tell them to go to the station, or maybe I didn't want to be the one to break the news about Andrea to them. I could barely even comprehend it myself.

Ryan's P.O.V.

I swung open the glass doors at the front of the police station, and, to my surprise, saw Bri, Josh, Grant, Kelsi, Hayden, and Jenn all sitting in the front lobby of the building.

Grant and Josh looked as if they were in their own little world as they both stared off into space. Bri looked as if she had been crying, and Kelsi was biting her nails nervously. Hayden was messing with a wad of paper, don't ask me where he found it. Jenn had a look of concern on her face, or maybe she was still just trying to comprehend everything that was happening.

I walked over and slumped into the chair beside Grant. He looked up at me and wrinkled his forehead, giving me a sympathetic look. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Ms.Rose just went in to go talk to them..."

I nodded my head and sunk into my chair. My mind was buzzing with different thoughts, but they were all of Andrea. I missed her voice, her laugh, and her smile. I missed her hugs, her kisses, and her touch. I missed her corny jokes and her golden heart. I missed her... so much. Suddenly, my daydreaming was interrupted by a deep voice coming from the front desk.

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