Chapter 6: What Could Go Wrong?

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Andrea's P.O.V.

I sunk onto the ground and began to sob into my hands. All the feelings I was having were quite overwhelming, and the alcohol definitely wasn't helping. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore, and then I pushed myself up off the of the ground.

I stumbled down the porch steps and into the yard. As I proceeded out onto the street, I felt the alcohol trying to creep its way back up my throat, but I choked it down.

I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to be anywhere besides that party. All that house brought to me was bad memories. I continued to walk around cluelessly, choking back my tears. My head was pounding, and I didn't know if I could walk any longer.


I crouched down onto a nearby curb. It didn't take me long to realize that I had no idea where I was.

"Could this night get any fucking worse?!" I screamed as I skidded a medium-sized rock against the ground.

I sunk my head into my hands and began to sob. After awhile, I looked up and began to observe my surroundings. There were no cars or houses in my sight, and I had no idea how to get back to Claire's or my house from where I was. Across the street from where I was sitting was an open field with a couple of cows grazing. I twisted my head around, noticing that there was a deep forest lying behind me. It was too dark to see if there were any houses inside the forest. Sober or or not, there was no way in hell that I was going to go inside and explore the forest for houses, though. I continued to look around for any sign of civilization when I spotted a headlight in the distance. It began to grow bigger, which meant the car was heading my way. It wasn't long until a dark red Ford truck was pulling up beside me.

"What are you doing out here all alone? Are you hurt?" A deep voice questioned sympathetically through the small opening on his car door window. He began to pull open his truck door.

I squinted my eyes to see what he looked like, but they were still blinded from the headlights.

"No, uh, I'm okay - just lost..." I managed to say without throwing up.

"Do you need a ride home?" He smiled. I could tell he was around 18 years old. He had dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. His smile sparkled in the darkness. I have to admit, he was pretty freakin' fine.

"I-I'm not sure how to get home from h-"

He cut me off, "What's your address?"

"328 RoadRunner." I replied.

"I know where that street is! I could take you home, or maybe you would rather come to my house...?" He winked.

I began to blush. I looked up at his face which I could see clearly now. I pushed myself up off the ground. I really didn't want to go home because I knew that meant my mom would be bombarding me with questions to why I came home so early. Plus, I didn't want to deal with talking to Bri or Ryan.

"That does sound good, but could I at least get your name?"I smiled. I think I was starting to sober up.

"Oh, my bad," he laughed nervously, "it's Mason."

"I'm Andrea." I smiled.

"Well why don't you hop into your seat, and we'll get going, Andrea."

I got a weird feeling in my stomach, but I didn't care. It's not like Ryan was faithful to me anyways, so what was there to lose? I popped open the car door and slid into the passenger seat. Mason walked over to the other side of the truck and swung open the door. He slid into his seat and put his key in the ignition.

"And we're off!" He laughed and began driving.

I smiled and looked down, biting my lip. Maybe this was good for me. It might've been wrong, but it felt right. I needed to get rid of the toxic people in my life, and I should've broken up with Ryan a long time ago anyways. Bri might've been a little harsh, but she was right about him.

I buckled my seat belt and leaned my head up against the window. I was beginning to feel tired. As I began to doze off, I could feel regret slowly creeping up my spine. I loved Ryan, and what happened was in the past. I quickly began to try and shake off those thoughts, reminding myself of the terrible thing he did to me.

I glanced up at Mason who was super focused on his driving. He was so hot. Hey, what could go wrong with a little fling?





What is going to happen with Mason? Did Andrea make the right decision? All your questions will be answered if you continue reading!

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