Chapter 4: The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In

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Andrea's P.O.V.

The outfit I chose to wear included a pair of black heeled leather boots, a pair of black leggings, and a long-sleeved basic white crop top. I also had on a silver necklace with a crescent moon pendant along with a couple bracelets. My hair was resting on my shoulders in its natural brown curls. I also brought along my black hoodie just in case it got too chilly.

I sprayed on a bit of perfume, grabbed my purse, and then headed out my bedroom door, shutting it behind me. Eventually, I reached Ryan's truck. I pulled open the car door and got up into the passenger seat.

"Let's ride, baby!" Ryan shouted jokingly as he turned on the engine.

"Ew, do not say that..." I sighed, trying to hold back a chuckle.

Claire only lived a couple streets over, so it wasn't long until we pulled into the massive driveway that lead to Claire's mansion of a house. I opened the door of the truck and hopped onto the concrete. Ryan was already waiting for me on the front porch of Claire's house; I ran up next to him and grabbed his hand.

Ryan reached for the handle and pulled the front door open.

Since Ryan and I arrived a little bit late, the inside of the house was already packed with people from our school. I stepped inside with Ryan following closely behind me, our hands still interlocked. It took me awhile to spot our group of friends, but Bri finally caught my eye.

"ANDREA!!!" Bri screamed as she shot up from the kitchen bar, along with Laney.

I leaned in for a hug, releasing Ryan's hand, but I was interrupted by Kelsi's obnoxiously funny screaming, "NOW THAT EVERYONE'S HERE, LET'S PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!" All of our friends shouted in agreement. We all soon followed Kelsi into another unoccupied bedroom.

Once everyone had themselves settled, Bri set the bottle in the middle of the circle. She was sitting beside me. On her other side was Nathan (Bri's boyfriend who went to another school), then Laney, then Jenn, then Hayden, then Josh, then Kelsi, then Grant, then Ryan, and then me again.

Everyone's chatter was filling up the room, but it was soon stopped by Bri, "Okay guys, let's get started!"

"Wait, not so fast!" I heard a familiar voice peep in from the doorway.

"Oh look, the devil herself..." Bri whispered into my ear. Yep, she was pretty accurate. Claire slid into the circle in-between Hayden and Josh.

"Okay, great! The more the merrier... and sexier!" Kelsi giggled.

"Okay let's get this started already." Josh leaned into the center of the circle, grabbed the bottle, and flicked his wrist, sending it in a circular motion.

The whole room grew quiet until the bottle landed on Hayden.

Everybody started to cheer as Hayden spun the bottle once again. It landed on the one and only Laney.

"Looks like it's your lucky day..." Laney smirked as she leaned in towards Hayden's body. Hayden shut his eyes as her lips pressed up against his. You could see that they were using tongue.

"OHHHHHH!" the whole room roared until the kiss was done.

Hayden leaned back into his spot, looking quite satisfied.

Laney proceeded to spin the bottle, and it landed on Jenn. She looked terrified. This wasn't really her thing.

She spun the bottle reluctantly without saying a word. The bottle finally came to a stop - on me.

I glanced over at Ryan. "Go for it...!" He laughed.

"You asshole!!!" I screamed jokingly and then glanced over at Jenn. She looked super nervous.

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