Chapter 2: The Cafeteria

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Andrea's P.O.V.

As soon as I set foot into the lunchroom, I scanned the scene for a familiar face. That's when I saw Bri, Ryan, and some of my other good friends sitting at a table towards the back corner.

Once I reached the table, I slid into the seat that was beside Ryan and set my backpack onto the ground. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek due to the fact that he was in the middle of chewing his not-so-good-looking cafeteria burger.

On the other side of me was Logan and his girlfriend, Natalie. They just started dating, so I didn't really know her very well, but Logan and I were pretty tight, but not super close. Sitting next to Natalie was Jenn. Across from her was where Grant sat. He was hilarious and kind of annoying at times, but surprisingly he didn't annoy me that much. Grant was probably one my best friends. Next to him and across from Natalie was where Josh sat. Josh and I were super close. I could tell him anything. He was a whore, I have to admit, but that's why we worked so well. I was so straight up with him, and he needed someone like that in his life. Hey, everyone needs at least one bitch in their life to tell them how it is. Josh and I were more than best friends. He was like a brother to me. Beside Josh was Kelsi, and then there was Hayden. He had just moved here, but he seemed cool, and we were already pretty good friends. Finally, there was Bri.

"-but really, can guys actually flex their penis?!" Kelsi questioned, laughing way too hard.

"Oh God, Kelsi..." Bri sighed.

"I guess you're just gonna have to find out..." Josh smirked as he pointed down to his privates.

Kelsi giggled and began to blush as Jenn jokingly made a disgusted face.

"So what's up with Claire's party..?" Logan asked as he bit into his ham and cheese sandwich.

I reached into my Vera Bradley lunch box and pulled out a pre-made salad, a bag of grapes, a small container of pretzels, an Ozarka water bottle, and a small bag of M&M's; they were my guilty pleasure. I pulled the lid off of the salad and stabbed my fork into a piece of lettuce.

"Yeah, what is up with that...?" Ryan looked at me with a slightly worried look in his eyes.

I glanced over at Bri and shoved the salad into my mouth.

"I'm going! There's gonna be alcohol, and it's the first big party there's been since summer ended," I could tell Kelsi was trying to persuade us, "and also, have you seen her house?!"

"A party sounds fun right now. I'm in!" Hayden exclaimed.

"Then I guess it's settled then, we're all going!" I declared as I swallowed a gulp of H2O. I tried to avoid looking at Ryan because I knew he was probably nodding his head back in forth in disagreement. I focused myself on Bri and Kelsi who started banging on the table and whispering, "turn up, turn up, turn up-" they began to grow louder as Grant and Logan joined in. That was until Mrs. Landry, our vice principal, gave our table a glare that basically meant shut up or else.


I plopped my last grape into my mouth,  and then set everything else back into my lunchbox. We never had enough time to actually finish lunch.

"Okay, guys, it's time to head off to 5th period!" Mr.Shewt, our other vice principal, announced on the cafeteria microphone. Groans were heard faintly throughout the room.

Logan and Natalie stood up, grabbed each other's hands, interlocking their fingers, and began to walk off. Jenn, Grant, Josh, and Kelsi followed closely behind them. Grant began to tickle Jenn from behind and lifted her up into his arms, holding her as if she was a baby. She screamed jokingly in surprise and looked up at his face. They were totally a thing. All five of them turned the corner leaving me, Bri, Hayden, and Ryan still sitting at the table.

I could tell Ryan wanted to talk to me, and Bri slowly figured that out, too.

"Come on, Hayden!" Bri playfully suggested as she gripped lightly onto his left arm. They both got up and proceeded out of the cafeteria.

I finally had no choice but to place my attention on Ryan. I swung my body around to where I was facing him. He looked at me and began to shake his head.

"Whatttt..." I laughed as I bit my lip.

"Are we really going to Claire's party? Like for real?" Ryan got straight to the point.

I hesitated.

"Come on, let's get to 5th period now." Mrs. Carson stated in a slightly hostile tone.

I looked at Ryan compassionately and gave him a quick answer.

"We probably won't even see Claire because a lot of people are going..." He gave me a questioning look.

"Pick me up at 8:30?" I smirked.

"Fineeeee," he agreed as we both began to stand up.

Ryan reached for my hand. I knew he wanted to kiss me, and I wanted to kiss him, too, but Mrs. Carson was standing right over our table, and I wasn't sure if we would even be able to get away with simply holding each other's hands. We turned the corner of the cafeteria.

"As long as I get to see you." Ryan continued and he pressed his warm lips up against mine. My hands we're placed on his butt as were his on mine. His warm tongue snuck its way into my mouth.


"Damn it!" I shouted as I opened my eyes and glanced up at the clock, "We're late for 5th!"

"I gotta get to English, I'll see you tonight though, babe!" I exclaimed as I ran towards the stairs. Ryan bit his lip and gave me a quick wave and a wink. He then turned around and started walking towards his Biology classroom.



Why does Ryan feel so reluctant about going to Claire's party? What's happening between Jenn and Grant? All your questions will be answered if you continue reading!

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