Chapter 14: You Say Your Just a Friend

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Grant's P.O.V.

The room was quiet as a mouse. My mind was rushing with tons and tons of thoughts. Not only was I thinking about what the cops were asking and telling Bri, but also the fact that the girl who I was sitting beside I wanted nothing to do with. Jenn and I had a pretty intense time together at Claire's party. I was honestly quite proud of myself for making a move. The next day I decided to call Jenn and ask her to come over to my house since she lived so close. Before I knew it, I heard a knock at my front door.

"Hello..." I glanced down smiling as I opened up the door.

Jenn looked absolutely stunning despite the fact that she was only wearing a softball t-shirt and a black pair of Nike shorts. Her smooth black hair was pulled back in a thick braid. She smiled at me, but for some reason she looked a bit out of it.

"Hey, I..." She began.

"Do you wanna come in?" I could feel my face turning bright red. When I get nervous I tend to talk... a lot.

"My bad." I quickly corrected myself.

Jenn began to shake her head, "No, no it's fine! I just..." She looked down at the ground and messed with her hands nervously.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"I just need to talk to you..." She responded quietly.

"Oh okay, I need to talk to you too," She looked up at me with a look mixed with hope and fear. I could feel my palms growing sweaty. I was planning on asking Jenn out. Deep down I was hoping that what she needed to talk about was quick so I could pop the question before I changed my mind.

"Uhh.. you first..." She sheepishly said with a faint smile on her face.

"Okay, well, maybe you should come inside...?" She began to nod her head back and forth slowly. Damn it, I probably looked like a complete idiot... She probably thought I was such a loser... I tried to remember what Andrea had told me before, though, 'Don't psych yourself out'.

"No, I - I have to go soon because my mom wants me home for dinner..."

"Oh um, okay, well, Jenn, I have really liked you for a long time and... last night was great and all but..." I began.

"But...?" Her face was turning pale for some odd reason.

"But... I think I like you more now, and last night wasn't enough for me." I lightly laughed at how creepy that sounded, "Jenn Nicole Caylen, will you be my girlfriend?" I finally built up the courage to make eye contact with Jenn. Her face had a look of shock on it, but she was trying her best to cover it up with a smile.

"I... I can't..." For a second I thought she might be joking, but after a minute I realized she was being serious.

She continued on with excuses such as, 'it's just not a good time' and 'I don't want to ruin the amazing friendship we have', but I knew they were all BS. The simple fact was that Jenn didn't like me as anything more than a friend, and I looked like a complete idiot. To her, our kiss was just another spin the bottle kiss. I was nothing but a good friend in her eyes. I hadn't spoken to her since then, not even at school, so there I was sitting next to the girl I had gotten rejected by. I dared not to look at her because if I did, not only would I feel embarrassment, but I would also be reminded of the painfully strong feelings I had for her.

Suddenly, the cold silence of the room was broken by the door swinging open. In came Nathan and Laney who were soon followed by another police officer. I yawned and glanced down at my watch. It was already 9:56.

Josh's P.O.V.

I bit my nails nervously as the other officer walked in.

"Josh Martinez, can we speak to you?" I glanced down at the ground, but quickly got up from chair.

"Of course!" I pressed my lips together forming a closed smile. Inside, though, my heart was beating 1000 miles per hour. My stomach felt as if it was doing back flips. My mind continued to worry as I follwed the officer out of the room, but I finally came to a conclusion. There's no way anyone could've known what I had done. Nobody could've seen me, right? I tried my best to convince myself everything was going to be okay, but deep down I knew everything was about to fall apart. Could they really know I had something to do with Andrea's disappearance?




Sorry it took me awhile to update. I promise it won't take this long again! Also, sorry if my chapters seem short. They take longer to write than it seems.

What did Josh do? Why did Jenn say no to Grant? What's happening with Bri and the police officers? All your questions will be answered if you continue reading!

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