Chapter 22: Keep Coming Back Again

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Ryan's P.O.V.

My body was tingling with anger. The more I sat in that coffee shop filled with giggles and chatter echoing off the walls, the more angry I became. I didn't understand how they were acting so normal. I didn't understand how all of them, even Bri, seemed to be having such a good time without Andrea there; especially considering the circumstances to where Andrea may be and what could've been happening to her.

Josh told us that he got arrested for not paying his speeding ticket fines in time. Everyone seemed to believe him, but I knew it was bullshit. Is that something you can even get arrested for? With everything that was going on, there was no way that was true. I was fed up with these lying, two-faced bitches. I shot up from the table and started making my way towards the door as fast as I could. Part of me hoped that they didn't see me, but I knew that was a long shot.

"Ryan, you're leaving already..?" I heard Jenn pathetically mutter from behind me. I slowly turned around, trying to fight the urge to take the hot, steaming coffee she was cautiously sipping from her hands and throw it all over everyone sitting at that table. I decided to burn them with my words instead.

"Yeah, because y'all are all lying, fake ass bitches!" I shouted. I spun back around and threw open the door.

"What the hell, man!" I heard Josh shout, but I didn't look back. There was no need for me to. Instead, I proceeded to hop into my truck and rev the engine. I wasn't going home though. I didn't want them to find me later. I wanted answers, and it didn't look like anyone else was gonna get them for me. I was going to the closest place I knew had computers; the public library.

Andrea's P.O.V.

"You're only a week or two along, so you have plenty of time to get your, er, thoughts put together..." Dr.Dawkins explained, trying to help get rid of the tenseness that filled the room. No matter what he said, though, I was still in shock. I just continued to sit there with my mouth open wide like an idiot.

"This is great, baby!" Ryan exclaimed after an awkward moment of silence. I looked up at him, and managed to curl my lips into the tiniest, fakest smile that had ever been planted onto my face. I honestly was just counting down the minutes until Ryan left because I needed to talk to Dr.Dawkins -alone. I looked up at Dr.Dawkins with a pleading face. There was no way he had forgotten what I told him, and he soon caught on to what I was trying to communicate to him.

"Uh, Ryan, I need to run a few more tests on Kaitlyn so..." He was not a good liar.

"Oh, yes, of course! I'll get out of your way. I'll see you soon, babe." He flashed his pearly whites and then trotted out the room.

"You don't actually need to run more tests - right...?" I asked hopefully.

"No, but you looked like you needed to talk." Dr.Dawkins sighed as he slumped into the most tasteless chair I had ever seen. It had big, multi-colored polka dots plastered onto it's uncomfortable looking pleather. They had just added it to my room this morning. I hope they weren't trying to bring back memories with it, because something told me that if my past had anything to do with that chair, maybe I would be better off starting over with my life... I chuckled a bit at that thought, but I was quickly pulled back into reality.

"Yes, I do. It's like you can read my mind, Dr.Dawkins." I laughed, and he did too.

"Claire. She was your mother. She died in a car crash. Ryan told me she was the only family you had..." Dr.Dawkins blurted out. Wait, then what could my dream have meant? That creepy man was definently not a car. I felt a warm tear slip from my eye socket onto my cheek. I wasn't crying out of grievance, though. How could I cry over someone I don't even know anything about? I was crying because of how confused I was. I was so overwhelmed. I would've rather died than live with the confusion. There was no way to fix it. I didn't know the difference between real and fake, friend and foe, right and wrong. All I knew was that there was a life growing inside of me, and I needed to get my life together before dealing with the responsibility of a child. A child I was raising with a man I scarcley trusted; a man I knew nothing about. The scary part was that he knew more about me than I knew about me. Had it always been like that, even before I lost my memory?

Ryan's P.O.V.

I was growing tired of the cold silence of the empty car, so I reached over to the radio and scanned for a station. I felt my heart drop when Certain Things by James Arthur began to run into my ears. Tears suddenly began to gush from my eyes. I had almost forgetten about it, but it was Andrea and I's song; before everthing happened - the cheating, the lying, the kidnapping. Back when everything was simple. Back when all we knew was that I loved her and she loved me.

Suddenly, as I pulled into a parking spot, my pity party was interuppted by an official-sounding woman's voice.


Hell no, this can't be real. This can't be real. This can't be real. This can't be real. I punched my steering wheel as hard as I could. My knuckles were bleeding, and my vision was growing blurry.

The smell of grass was cosuming my nose; a smell all too familiar. I felt a pain in my head; a pain all too familiar. Suddely, I heard a car engine start, and I looked up too see something that had been grinding my thoughts for the past coupe of days.

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"Oh my God Oh my God!" I heard a girl's voice frantically shout; a voice all too familiar. I could tell that the person speaking was crying; a cry all too familiar. I felt their hands shake me to see if I was conscious; a touch all too familiar. She came around to where she could see my face, and began rub my injured head compassionately.

This time my vision wasn't blurry though. I could see who was helping me clearly, but all it did was make my thought's even blurrier. I was questioning everything I thought I knew because although I knew more, I still felt like I knew nothing.



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