Chapter Four- Laurel

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I was in shock for the next two days. Everyone I knew visited me to tell me congrats, and some of them even brought presents. When I went back to school, everyone stared at me. All the twos were jealous. I still couldn't believe it. I was going to be officially Selected tonight, since tonight is when the palace is sending someone to make me sign a bunch of papers, agree to all the rules, and prepare me for the Selection.

I was jittery all day. Everyone seemed to be congratulating me, and looking at me with either envy or admiration. When the school day was finally over, I ran back home with Sloane as usual, but as soon as I got home, my mom and a man from the palace were waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Laurel, this is Mr. Preston from the palace. He's here to talk about the rules for the Selection, and get you set up," my mom told me.

Mr. Preston smiled a professional type of smile. "Hi Laurel, as you are very aware of, you were recently Selected to be in the Selection." I nodded. "We have a few things to discuss and make sure of before you go to the palace." He handed me a blue sheet of paper with the rules on it. "Read over these and sign at the bottom, make sure to ask any questions you have."

I took the sheet of paper from him and read over the rules:

"The contestant cannot leave the palace on her own accord-she can only be dismissed by the prince himself. There is no timeline for the Selection-it can last from days to years. The contestant cannot arrange her times with the prince. If in a large social setting, this rule does not applyThe contestant cannot fight or sabotage other participants. If the contestant is found laying her hands on another contestant, causing her stress, stealing from her, or doing anything that might diminish her personal relationship with the prince, the prince will decide whether to dismiss her or not. The contestant can only have a romantic relationship with the prince. If the contestant is caught in a relationship with someone else, it is considered treason and punishable by death. If the contestant is found breaking any of Illéa's written laws, her punishment will be tied to that offense. The contestant cannot eat food or wear any clothes not provided to her by the palace. The contestant must be courteous to photographers, and allow them to see her lifestyle with the prince. For each week the contestant stays at the palace, her family will be compensated. If the contestant is no longer in the Selection, she will have an aide to help her adjust to her new life after the Selection. Her aide will help the contestant find new housing and employment. If the contestant makes it to the top ten, she is considered an Elite, and will be required to learn about particular inner workings of the life and obligations she would have as a princess. Until then, the contestant is not permitted to seek out such information. The contestant's caste number is automatically raised to a Three, unless she was already a Three prior to being Selected. Her family's caste remains the same. If the contestant was already a Two prior to the Selection, her and her family's status will remain the same. If the contestant wins the Selection, she and her family will become Ones and members of the royal family. The contestant will also marry the prince and become the crowned princess of Illéa, taking on all the rights and responsibilities of the title. The contestant must be a virgin. If the prince invites the contestant to do something with him, she cannot refuse-regardless if it's dinner, outings, kissing, and even more than kissing."


I didn't have any questions, just some worries about the last one. That one got me feeling a ltitle strange, but I signed it anyways.

"No questions?" asked Mr. Preston.

"Nope," I replied.

He then handed me a red sheet with medical information. He had my mom fill that out. Once she was done, he took it and put it in his briefcase.

"Then I guess you're set. Remember, you will depart from Angeles to go to the palace on Thursday, which is three days from now. That should give you enough time to pack and say your goodbyes. I'll come pick you up on that day," Mr. Preston told me, then stood up and left.

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