Chapter Twenty Four- Livia

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        Well that's just peachy. Laurel knew who I was, and my secret was exposed. So much for our secret mission. The only good thing to come out of this was the fact that Sylvia was dead, although I wished that I was the one who shot her.  I reached the palace- clothes tattered and skin bruised- and tried to keep my head up high. It felt like everyone in Angeles was staring at me as I walked toward one of the side doors, probably thinking that I was an Eight going to the palace to beg for food, hoping that the guards would spare some. I ignored then and picked up my pace. As I reached the door, one of the guards I knew greeted me. "Livia," he nodded as I walked past him.

        I walked into the palace, where there was a crowd of people, including the Queen and some of her guards. Queen America greeted me first. "Oh thank goodness Livia. I was worried sick about you!" She looked at what I was wearing. "Oh dear, we better get you cleaned up. I'll have Sophie prepare a bath for you in your room." She flashed a quick, sympathetic smile at me, then motioned for the crowd behind her to leave.

        Judging from the fact that Queen America personally greeted me, I knew that Laurel had returned safely back and was now being cared for. I decided to go up to my room for a nice, long bath, then check up on her. I walked slowly up one of the staircases, my legs still sore from being tied up. I groaned, opened my door, and collapsed on my bed. Sophie, my maid, rushed over to me. "Oh, Livia! What were you up to this past week? I have been worried sick. Queen America refuses to tell me anything, and Laurel is already being questioned by the guards. Your clothes, your hair, your skin! We need to get you cleaned up right away," Sophie talked quickly, and literally pulled me off of my bed. "Come on, up you go. It's for your own good. You know, I can't let you be seen like this in public. Are those... spider webs in your hair?!" Sophie was a short, peppy lady in her 50's, with a little light blond bob. She led me toward the bathroom, where a steaming hot bath was waiting for me. The smell was overwhleming, especially considering where I just came back from.

        I stripped quickly and climbed into the steaming hot bathtub. It felt like it was ages since I had my last bath, and I quickly lost track of time. Before I knew it, Sophie knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in," I mumbled sleepily. Sophie open the door and sighed. "Laurel's here to visit you, since you didn't visit her first," she sounded disappointed in me. 

        "What," I called when Sophie started to close the door. "What time is it?" I asked.

        Sophie checked her watch. "It's 6:00. You've been the the bath for two hours, and I can't say that I blame you. But you better get dressed and ready for dinner soon, because you're dining with the royal family tonight." 

        Two hours?! I had been in here for that long? I quickly grabbed the closest towel to me, and dried myself off. My hair dye had worn off- it was only meant to last for a month- and my hair was dark brown again. Just like Blair, although Laurel would never think of me like that, and neither would I. There was an exquisite dress hanging on the door, and I couldn't help up groan. It was obvious that Sophie had put a lot of work into it, but she really didn't need to. I hated dresses, and this one was no exception. 

        Sophie came in to help me get into the elaborate gown. It a was pale green empire dress to complement my hair and eyes, and made of a silky material. She brushed my hair, curled it, and styled it up in a elaborate bun. After she put on my makeup, she finally let me look in the mirror. The girl looking back at me looked nothing like I had ever imagined. Frankly, she looked much too girly to be me. Small strands of my hair were elegantly placed to brush against the side of my hair, my makeup was flawless, and the dress I was wearing perfectly matched my makeup. Instead of saying that outloud, I swallowed and smiled shyly. "Thank you, Sophie. It's beautiful."

        Sophie smield back at me. "No, you're beautiful," she insisted. "Come on, we can't keep the royal family waiting, now can we?" With an excited grin, she led me to the door and wished me luck. I smiled nervously while she shut the door. I took a deep breath and started toward where we were meeting.

        I had a million questions running through my head as I continued walking down endless hallways. What were they going to ask me? Were they going to do something to me for putting Laurel in danger? Out of habit, I stood up straighter and walked faster. It was something that I had learned from my many weekends at the palace. Don't let them see that you're nervous. Put your head up higher and get over it.

        A maid greeted me when I reached the door. I nodded at her, walked in, and took my seat. The King, Queen, Christian, and Laurel were all there, although Christian wasn't technically royal. Just as I sat down, three chefs walked in, serving our main course. Queen America smiled at them and subtly gave them a symbol to leave. "So, Livia. A lot has happened this past week, hasn't it?"

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