Dirty cheat

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It was just another boring day at school. Everyone is just the same, they're all boring.

Oh I should introduce myself. I'm Lee Felix, nice to meet ya. Right now I'm at STAY Academy for the intellectuals. I know it's a long name.. but it's the best Academy in the world, sometimes I wonder how some people get into this school. However at the end it always comes down to who has the most money to attend.

Anyway back to my day.

I was at my locker emptying my bag that was full of hard, useless books. The halls were quite crowded, I would be pushed or nudged into my locker I few times.

"Heyyy Lix, you ready for class!"

"Hey Seugmin, Yeah I am, just wait a few secs"

That's my best friend Minnie, he's super sweet and super talkative. The first time I ever met him was a couple days before my first day at the academy because we were roommates. After that we were inseparable.

"Hurry Lix. If we don't get there early we'll miss him..."

"Gosh I don't care about him, he's an arrogant, self-centred man whore"

You may be asking who I'm talking about. Well his name is Bang Chan. He's the biggest fuck boy in our whole academy or even the whole world and apparently my best friend is infatuated with him.

"Whatever you're just jealous"

"Yeah soooo jealous.."

After my sarcastic remark seugmin huffs in annoyance and walks off.

I rapidly follow him and we both head to Chem.

"Honestly Minnie I don't know what you see in him. He's literally been with everyone. He's not good for you"

"I know, but he's so hot. How can you not want him"

Seugmin sighs dreamily as he longingly looks ahead at a large herd of people.

"Oh my gosh he's here. I knew we should've come earlier"

Suddenly I'm dragged into the swooning, screaming crowd. I knew full well who's fault this was.


"*sigh*What Chan?"

It was the man whore himself Bang Chan purring seductively at me. Jeez he gets on my nerves.

"Are you free tonight?"

He asked me with the same cocky smirk and lustful eyes. However my answer will always be the same.

"No Chan I'm actually spending the night with my boyfriend.."

Yes I do have a boyfriend, it's not just some lame excuse so Chan will leave me alone. My boyfriend is called Changbin and we've been dating for the past year and a half.

"You're still with that loser. Felix you could've had me."

"What for a night and then I'd just be one crossed of the list of the already thousands you've shagged. Get real Chan, I'd never fall for a fuckboy like you."

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