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Once Felix went to his assigned class I was bored because I decided I didn't want to attend class today, so I started to roam the halls.

I finally make it to Felix's he was sat by himself, but he looked a little uncomfortable. I was about to go inside when I heard moans and thumps.

I guess I'm not the only horn-dog at this school then.

I linger outside because I wanted to see these Animals emerge from the closet.

It was like a few minutes later and I saw Felix turn to the closet door which was creeping open.

No way...


Felix shouted as Mr Lee and Han Jisung came out of the closet (no pun intended)

"Felix knew?..."

I waited until Mr Lee left because I know that old fart has a problem with me, so when I saw him kiss Jisung I knew he would be leaving, but before anything else, whilst the two kissed I took a few pictures for proof.

Now he was gone, I watched Jisung freak out and then hug my Felix, so I took that as a sign to collect him for Plan C (because plan A was a flop and plan B was too lame)

"Hey Let go of him. He's mine now.."

I carefully pull Felix out of Jisung's hold and wrap my arm comfortably around his waist.

"What are you doing here Chan, you should be in class? Now let go!"

Felix was his usual snarky self but this time there was more concern in his tone.

"Ch..chan when did you ge..get here?"

Jisung was visibly worried, he should be I heard and saw his whole illegal secret.

"Oh me... well about 15 minutes ago. I was waiting outside for my little lix. By the way you and Mr Lee make a cute couple.."

"Wha..what do you me..mean?"

"Oh Jisung don't play dumb with me, I saw you kissing him.."

I smirk now I've got him.

"Yeah? Well where's your proof."

I almost forgot my little Lixxie was in my arms, he looked so cute and small and it seemed he didn't mind being in my hold or couldn't be bothered to wriggle out. Well anyway Felix honestly thinks I'm a novice at manipulating people.

"Aww Lixxie" I boop his nose and his smacks my hand away. "I have got evidence.." I pull out my phone and show Felix and Jisung the pictures I took. "And I'm sure the principal would love to see these.. wouldn't he?"

"Chan ple..please don't.. I don't wa..want Minho to ge..get in trou...trouble.."

Jisung was in tears by now, however if my plan goes the way I'm planing it to and Felix is the type of friend I think he is Jisung won't need to worry for much longer.

"Why are you doing this Chan!"

"Well Lix I'm doing it because I want something.. I really want this something and if you give me it I'll delete the photo, but if you can't I'll show this to the principal and Mr Lee will be sent to prison and your little friend here will be expelled... so what will it be?"

I see Felix look at Jisung with concern, making sure his teary friend is okay. Then he turned to me with pure hatred in his eyes.

"So what is the something you want?"

I smirk and pull Felix close, so I'm close to his ear and I purr softly.


Felix tenses and then harshly pushes me away.

"No you freak! Why would I give myself up to you?!"

I sigh and wave my phone in the air slightly, so I captured the boy's attention.

"I guess I'll have to take this to the principal.."

I start to walk over to the door and exit the room. I couldn't believe Felix wouldn't do that for his friends. I was halfway down the hallway by now.



I saw chan leave and I was about to follow him, but before I could Jisung grabbed my arm.

"Felix you can't, I don't care if I'm expelled. You don't need to do this."

"Are you stupid Jisung? It's either I have to hang out with chan for the rest of the school year or you get expelled and Minho goes to jail. I think I can handle the man whore for a little bit."

I tug myself out of Jisung's hold and rush out of the door.


I bang the door open with force and I run after Chan.


"CHAN!" I stop and look over my shoulder to see a breathless Felix bent over holding his knees. I smirk. " I..I'll be yours!"

Everyone in the halls stopped and stared at the scene in front of them.

Good boy Felix surrendering himself to sex addict Chan. That's gonna be the schools gossip for awhile. However I couldn't care less about what they thought right now, all I know is Felix is mine now.

I turn on my heals and head straight towards Felix with swift movements. Once I got to him I swiftly pulled his head up to mine and kissed him with force. I felt him tense up and try to push away, but I held him close and I tried to deepen the kiss, but..


Chan kissed me.. obviously I didn't kiss back, why would I? Right now I was in shock, my eyes were bulging out of my head and I froze.

Soon I pulled back and Chan gave me a haunting smirk that I hate so much.

"You made the right choice little lix."

His voice snapped me out of whatever trance I was under, I looked at him and grimaced before my hand collided with his face.

"Don't ever kiss me again!"

When I turn around and begin to walk away I hear a chuckle and then I was tugged into Chan's large arms.

"We made a deal you're mine now, so you do what I say..."

I look up at him in disgust and try to push him again, but this time it was no use.

"What have I got myself into?"

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