Kind of sweet

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How did I get so lucky to have Felix sleep in my shoulder the whole way through Chem. It was a literal dream, I thought about how cute it would be if Felix did that everyday because he would be my boyfriend.

Just the thought of Felix being my boyfriend makes me so happy. I've never felt like this.. I've never experienced the butterflies in my stomach, but when I first saw Felix I did. He the only one...

I used to use people to distract myself from these odd feelings I had for Felix and I would try to flirt with him, but because Felix is amazing and pure he would never fall for my stupid attempts.

That's what made me more intrigued and I wanted to know more about Felix, he isn't one these people I just fuck and chuck. He's someone I want to know, he's someone I want to be with every second of the day, he's someone I want to care for. I want him to be my someone.

"Hey Chan~"

Great it was one of cheerleaders yeji, she was pretty, but I wouldn't go for someone like her. She's too much of an airhead and it gives me a head ache.


"Um so I was wondering~ if you You wanted to come to a party I'm hosting this Friday?"

She instantly cling onto my arm and traced her finger annoyingly up and down my arm.


I was walking to my locker after I just finished my final lesson. I was so tired after I had a nap on Chan's shoulder.


"Oh Hey Jisung, what's up?"

Jisung wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close, so he was practically suffocating me.

"I just wanted to walk with you to your locker. Hey how about we go this way.."

Jisung turned us around so we were heading in the opposite direction of my locker. What is he doing? I understand if he wants some quality time with me, but he normal doesn't care.. what's wrong with him?

"Hey Jisung my locker is that way.. what are you doing?"

"Shut up just follow me.."

He dragged me down the hallway whilst he chatted non stop about Minho and himself. Honestly I don't care, I tried to block him out because he began to talk about things I don't really want to listen to.

"And you won't believe what he did next, honestly I've never felt so good in my whole entire li— Oh My Gosh Felix looook~"

Jisung cut himself off and dramatically pointed at Chan with a girl wrapped around his arm. I looked at the two and for some reason I felt a prang in my chest.

What was that? Why do I feel weird?

"I guess once a playboy always a playbo— Hey Wait Felix where are you going"

I got out of jisungs hold and I head to to the exit of the school, I couldn't look at—

"Hey let go!"

"I'll only come to your party if my boyfriend is invited.."


I saw the girl look at me with disgust and then let go of Chan's arm. She stared at me and then looked back at Chan with a sickly sweet smile.

"Of course~"

She said through gritted teeth, but smiling still.

"Hey I'm not your boyfr—"

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