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*Ruby's POV*

"I will see you tomorrow." I whisper to him as he and Anne are sitting in his mustang. He smiles at me happily. He drives away. I get upstairs to my room. I am actually happy. I look at the two gifts that are laying in a corner of my room beside my bed. I lay in bed wondering what should I get Tobias, since he's coming now. I look at the ground where we were sitting. His phone is laying there. I pull on my boyfriend jeans and tuck my oversized black hoodie in it. I let my hair lose. I put my feet into my vans and grab his phone. I grab mine. I take some money from my purse. I tuck them with my phone into my pocket. I get downstairs. My parents are at work. Louisa is sitting with Shane at living room. It is almost dark outside. "I will call, mom. I am going out to get something. Get the food out of the fridge for your friend and Peter." I say. She looks at me. "Where are you going?" She asks. "I am going to buy something for tomorrow." I say as I give her and Shane an eye roll on my way out. I don't really get my sister. We are not that close. We were never that close. She always had her own friends. And stuff aren't good between us anyways. I walk out of the house. I walk to target. It's two blocks away. There is only a small ray of sunshine. The sun is about to set. I enter the warm supermarket. It is freezing and snowing. I walk to the music section. I grab two of my favorite records. I also get a keychain. It is a frame. I decided to put a picture of us together in it. I get a him a light blue shirt. Luckily, I know his size. I stand at the line of the cashier. I arrive at my turn to put the stuff I got on the counter. The friendly cashier guy gives me a soft smile. "Merry Christmas." He says as he hands me my stuff in a bag. I smile at him on my way out. I really love Christmas. Last Christmas, I was still with my boyfriend. But, he was staying with his friends. They took off to Ottawa. The capital. He said it's better there. I stayed home with Lily. We actually had a lot of fun. I couldn't do the gift thing. But, I am doing it this year. I really love Christmas.

I arrive at Tobias's house after I put the stuff I got back home. I realize his mustang and a couple of a lot of other cars are parked outside. I knock softly on the door. Alissa. His stepmother appears at the door. She is wearing a very short and tight dress. God. Isn't that lady cold? "Oh, you're Tobias's friend, aren't you?" She says as she takes my hand and pulls me inside. I don't really like her. Or trust her. We walk until we reach the living room. A lot of men along with women who look like Alissa are sitting there. Tobias is sitting next to his father. I spot guns on the coffee table in front of them. My heart starts to beat harder than ever. What is happening here? Is Tobias a gangster? Is he a drug dealer? "You have a visitor, Woody." Alissa says as everyone's eyes are looking at us. Tobias is staring at me. His blue eyes are full of fear. "Glad you found yourself a girl, Woods." A man says as he stares at me with a smirk. He is smoking. "Come here. You can sit right next to your guy." Alissa says as she pulls me to seat me next to Tobias. Everyone is staring at me. "Are you sure about her, Fin?" Another man says. They all look like gangsters. Almost everyone in the room is either smoking or drinking. The girls are sitting in the men's laps. "Yeah, she won't say a word. You can take my word for that." Tobias says as he puts his hand into mine. Our hands are buried between us. I stare at all of them in fear. They are all talking about drugs and guns. It is like they are dealing to get money or something. Mr. Woods. Tobias's father looks like a respected man around here. Between them. It looks like they fear him. Like he's the boss around here.

After like two hours, they start to leave. "We are going to the club for some time." His father says on his way out. Alissa follows him. We are alone. His hand hasn't left me all along. The place is messy. Empty bottles of whiskey and vodka everywhere. Cups with half drunk whiskey laying on the table. Cigarettes leftovers are laying in a plate on the table. He sights at the door closes. "What are you doing here?" He asks. I can sense fear in his voice. I haven't heard this voice before. His scared voice. "I....i c-came to g-get you your p-phone." I stutter as I speak. He just pulls me into his arms. "You promised to never come here alone." He whispers softly. I hug him back. "I am sorry." I say as my voice shakes. "Something could have happened to you." He says as we pull back from the hug. His hands are holding my arms. "I can't lose you, Ruby. Not you, too." He says as he pulls me into his arms again. I know he's talking about his mother. I like that he's comparing me to her. I can't lose him as well. I love him. More than anything.

He stops the car in front my house. We drove here with no words about what just happened. "You can't tell anyone about what you saw or heard today, Ruby." He says. "But, the police can help." I say. I wanted to call the cops. "No! No. You can't tell anyone. Specially not the cops." He says. Fear takes over his voice once again. "Why? Why not, Tobias?" I say losing patience. "Cause they will you. And then me. That's why." He says with a sight. Kill us? Oh, god. What have we got ourselves into?

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