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*Tobias's POV*

We walk together into the biology class. I notice that girls are mad. Well, I got a girlfriend as last. All though I didn't ask her yet. I will. Soon enough. We sit into our original seats. Miss Candor enters the class making it go silent. "So, hope you all had a good holiday." She says smiling. I smile to myself. I did have a good holiday. No, I had a fantastic one. "So, tomorrow you will have to give me your presentations." She says smiling. A couple of grumbles go through the class. Well, Ruby and I finished it. We will just give it a last check today. Miss Candor turns to the chalkboard and starts to talk about biology.

The bell rings, giving people a reason to leave for their next classes. We walk out to our lockers. Ruby would have caught my eye, even if our lockers were next to each other. "Hey, there love birds." Ash says as he walks up to us. "I can't believe you told Albert." She says. Told Albert what? "Hey, I did you a favor so you can be with him. You guys should have been together since day one." Ash says as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Can we go on double dates now?" He asks smiling. "Take it easy on us, bro." I say as I pat his back. He struggles his arms while nodding. "See you at lunch." Ruby says as she pecks my lips softly. It is pretty hard to let go off her. If I knew what it was like to kiss an angel, it would have been Ruby. She waves at me as she walks away with Ash. I wave back smiling. I turn to my locker. I open it up. I notice my mother's picture. "I have someone now, Mom. She will take care of me." I whisper to the photo as if she can actually hear me. "Woods?" I hear a girl's familiar voice. I turn and meet face to face with someone I haven't seen in years.

"You can't be here!" I say to her face. "Stop pushing me away. I am trying to help you." She says. Elite Rudy Benne. An old friend of mine. It is been almost five years since I last saw her. She knows the only thing no one ever knew. She used to live next to us. Her parents took her away after my mother's accident. Her dark brown hair is short. It almost touches her ears. Her light skin is almost tanned bronze. She moved along with her parents to Miami. She's wearing jeans shorts along with a black hoodie. Her dark green eyes are covered with the glass of her grey framed glasses. "Listen to me Tobias. If you don't leave your father's house, you might end up with him in jail." She says. "I can't Elite. Where should I go?" I ask her. "Come with me. Come live with us. My Pops and my mama loves you." She says. She's original from Mexico. "I can't leave." I say. I really can't. If I leave I might not see Ruby ever again. I don't want this. I can't leave her. " I have lied for you before, Tobias." My name feels normal coming out from her. She used to call me this all along. "No, You have lied for you. For your life not mine." I say. "Your pops still does drugs?" She asks. "Yeah." I mumble. It is embarrassing. "Do you help him?" She asks sounding very concerned. "Why are you asking?" I ask her. Why is she even here? It is been a very long time since we last talked. "Listen, Tobias. I came here to tell you that police is searching for drug dealers and you and every one who knows about it or is a part of will end up in jail." She says as her English accent is getting mixed up a lot with her Mexican accent. "Help the police, Tobias. Help them and you will be okay." She says as she squeezes my shoulder. I look at her. I can't say a word. If I do they will hurt Ruby. They might even kill her. They can kill. They kill people. They don't care. "I know that you miss your mama. I miss her, too. She was a good woman. Mind if we pay her a visit after school?" She says. I nod smiling. It is been a while since I last visited mom. "I will wait here by your car." She says as she stands by the car. I take a last look at her and enter the school.

"Hey, you. What's on your mind?" Ruby asks me as she shakes my arm. "Hm... nothing." I say as I look at her. Even though my mind is thinking about a lot of other things. Whatever Elite just told me and whatever just happened. "There is a lot on the guy's mind." Albert says as he takes a sip from his orange juice. "He's right. Are you sure, you're okay?" She asks as she massages my arm softly. "I am okay." I say as place my hand on hers. She rests her head on my shoulder, smiling.

We are walking out of the school. She holding my hand into hers. "Who is that standing by your car?" Ruby asks as she points at Elite who is standing by my car. Time for Ruby to meet someone from my past for the first time. We arrive at the car. "Hi, I am Elite." Elite says as soon as she sees Ruby. She offers her a hand. Ruby looks at her with a lot of confusion. "I am Ruby." She says as she takes Elite's hand between hers. They shake hands as I watch them. "This is Elite. She used to be our neighbor." I say trying to explain that Elite isn't anything but a friend to me. "Oh. Used?" Ruby asks. "I moved away five years ago. I just came by to visit Tobias." She says. Ruby looks at me in confusion. "Is she coming with us while we visit your mama?" She asks. "Well, if she wants?" I say as I look at her. "I would love to, Tobias." She says as she places her fingers into mine. I smile at her.

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