Chapter - 4

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NavNi and FAB5 begin their new friendship.

As NavNi and FAB5 were sitting together and talking randomly not to forget Manik's hidden romance with his JAAN.

After few minutes Soha came to meet FAB5 but her real intensions were to stick around Manik.

Soha - Hey guys!! ohh Manik how are you I missed you so much Baby ( seductively). and what are these commeners doing over here ( NavNi) ( Fuming in Anger)

Listening to Soha all made and annoying fac but after hearing about NavNi all became angry specially ManBir for talking like about their sister and Love.

Manik - Soha!! Dre you say anything about NavNi or any of my friends the consequences will not be good and one more thing stop Babying me. ( angrily)

and Manik goes away from their, on pretext of a phone even Nandini leaves to look after her Mani. Nandini knew where he would so she went straight to their meeting place which is the staircase behind the music wing.

Manik was pacing here and there in anger and Nandini went near Manik and back hugged him tightly to calm him down.

Nandini - Mani calm down, why are you so angry, we should be atleast be a little relaxed that Fab3 are trying to be friends with us, and she kisses on his back.

After hearing Nandini Manik closes his eyes and calms down, he brings Nandini in front of him and give a forehead kiss.

Manik - Jaan you very well know how to calm me down na!!

saying this they both sat on the staircase and as soon as Nandini sat Manikput his head on her lap and nuzzled in her tummy due to sudden movement Nandini got scared.

Nandini - Aree!! Mani what happened why are you so disturbed.

Manik - Jaan I don't know but I don't like how Soha behaves with you and Navya, I am scared that she might hurt you.

Same time at the Canteen -

After Manik left all glared Soha and she got a little scared but acted as if nothing happened and started talking to them but the got hell irritated and angry and specially Cavya for talking like that abt their princess and even about Navya.

Cabir got up by banging the table and said Soha while giving hard looks to her

Cabir - Soha if you are done with your bullshit you can move from here coz we are not at all in mood to hear you ever. And I am Warning you for the first and the last time dare you say something about my Princess i.e and Navya. Saying he also moved from their with Navya by making some excused as they know they needed to calm and only one person can do that i.e their Princess.

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