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Nandini was waiting for Manik to come out from the Washroom.When Manik came out he saw Nandini awake so he came to her and gave a forehead kiss, and said

Manik - Good Morning Jaan, Slept Well??

Nandini - Good Morning Mani, yeah i am good just give me few mins i will freshen up and come till that you change and we will go down for breakfast together.

Without waiting for his reply she left to washroom and after 15 mins she came out with her wet hair and clothes worn for College.

Later Manan came down and saw Cavya also coming down so four them together left for the College and to meet FAB3. they reached college in Manik's car with much needed teasing and Cabir's Pj, Manik's fake angry glare. After getting down from the car they directly went to canteen as they know FAB3 still have time to come and when they come 4 of them can show that they came diffrently but are just sitting together, so they reached canteen and ManBir went to place order and NavNi were sitting but, FAB3 came to College Early and went to Canteen thinking Manbir have still not came and waiting for them, but they saw NavNi there and FAB3 went near their table and Mukti called them.

Mukti - Hey, Nandini Navya. 

NavNi got starled hearing the sudden voice but once they saw that it was FAB3, so they greeted them back.

NavNi - Hi!! Mukti, Dhruv and Alya, Come sit.

Once they settled down together they started talking and in between they told that they are waiting for ManBir so, Nandini said,

Nandini - Guys but Manbir are already here actually when we came to canteen we saw them waiting for you guys so we came to meet them few mins back they had gone to place order as we all did not had our breakfast.

Just the moment she completed saying MmanBir came with their orders

They saw FAB3 and NavNi together so Manik said,

Manik -Hey Guys!!  and saying this they settled down in their places and the sitting arrangements was like Manik,Nandini,Cabir,Navya,Alya,Dhruv,Mukti.

Dhruv - Buddy aaj tu aur Cabir itne jaidi kaise aagaye??

Even Nandini supported Dhruv and asked in Mischiveous tone,

Nandini - Haan Bhai aaj itne jaldi aap yahan i thought you loved sleeping and eating na??

ManBir and Navya got to know she is teasing Cabir so, Cabir said.

Cabir - Woh kya hai na Princess as you know i am your Brother toh meine socha kyun na mein bhi apni Behen ki tarah uthun jaldi aur deakhuin ki itna jaldi uthne mein Maja kya aata hai, so aaj utha ke pata chala ki Jaldi uthne se aapko aaj jaada khaane milta hai coz jitna bada din utna jaada food khaane ka mauka.

Hearing his explaination all rolled their eyes and said together.

all together - Bhukkhad.

Hearing them Cabir made a bad face and to distract them he said,

Cabir - Guys I have an  idea as we all know we have 15 days holiday from tomorrow so why not we go for a small vacation and in this way we will get know other more.

Hearing him even Mukti and Dhrulya agreed so even Manik agreed but they were waiting for NavNi's ans and were looking at them and ManBir were making cute puppy faces to melt thier paretners and sisters. so seeing thier faces even NavNi agreed. Then Nandini asked them where would they go, so everyone started thinking and after few Mins Manan spoke together,

Manan - Guys lets go to Massorie.

After saying this both looked at each other nad Cabir being the all time Prankster and Manan's Cupid, how can he leave this chance so he said,

Cabir - Wow inki thinking kitne similar hai they both said the same thing at the same time, aakhir maanjra kya hai ( with a smirk) hearing him Manik glared at Cabir and Nandini did what is best at she was blushing) to chuck the topic Manik asked FAB4 and Navya about their decision for going to Massorie, After getting Positive response from all of them Cabir said to Manik

Cabir - Manik i was thinking ki hum flights ki ticket book kardein and even a hotel to stay, but before Manik could reply Nandini said'

Nandini - Bhai  Ihave a suggestion why dont we go to massorie by roads it would be much more fun. 

Hearing Nandini even Navya, Mukti and Dhrulya said

MukYa and DhruLya - Yeah, Nandini is right, going by roads would be so much fun.

Hearing all of them even ManBir agreed to them and they decided that Manik will Bring his big car and will pick up Cabir First then NavNi and then Mukti and then Dhrulya it was decided that Manik would Come to pick up Cabir at 6:00 in the Morning.



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