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My nerves were everywhere. Knowing Cherry was behind me had my stomach doing back flips. The screen on my laptop had gone black so I could see Cherry in the reflection. Even without seeing her, I could feel her eyes on the back of my head. Being this nervous was new to me but I wasn't shy. So I turned around, made eye contact with her and said the first thing that came to mind.
"I've never seen you here before."
"I don't usually come until later." She smiled nervously but kept her eyes on me. I watched the way her confident shoulders didn't slouch from anything other than nerves. She was shy? I bit back a smile.
"I didn't think you were going to speak to me." She said as she sipped on her ice tea. Her face looked free of makeup and that made me want her even more.
"Oh, I just didn't want to disturb your...what you're doing." The lie almost sounded believable. Now that the ice was broken, I felt more comfortable.
"It's okay, I could use a break anyway." The way she spoke sounded so sophisticated. The raspiness in her voice made my insides tremble. When I closed my eyes, all I could see was her bending over in front of me with a smirk on her face. She definitely wasn't shy then. But looking at her now, makeup free with her hair in the sexiest sloppy bun, I couldn't tell she was a stripper. Her caramel skin didn't have any glitter on it but it didn't need to in order for her to sparkle. She was the definition of gorgeous.
"Have you already eaten?" I asked and moved my laptop closer to the wall. When I turned back around to face Cherry, I saw the way her eyes lingered over me slowly as she shook her head. Suddenly I had an appetite much bigger than before. A croissant wasn't going to get rid of the hunger I felt.
"Have breakfast with me." I couldn't believe just five minutes ago I was too scared to talk to her and now I was inviting her to eat with me. I wanted her to eat me too.
"Are you sure? You look busy." I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not but the smile on her face erased the doubt I felt. She gathered her books, papers and book bag and then slowly made her way over to my table.
As soon as she sat down, a gust of wind brought the smell of fresh peaches up my nose. I took a deep breath and tried not to stare. But it was so goddamn hard. I expected her to say something but a few seconds passed and she was still quiet. She was definitely shy. Her body language gave her away and if she was trying to hide that fact about herself, it wasn't working well. I glanced at the text book at the corner of the table. It didn't feel like I was sitting across the table from a woman who shook her ass to make money.
"Are you in school?"
"Yes. Are you?" She kept her sentences short and I didn't like that. I wanted to know about her.
"No, I graduated...3 years ago."
"Oh." She fidgeted uncomfortably as Ma came with my croissant. The smell of the butter and warm bread made my stomach growl.
"Can I get the breakfast special too? And um...whatever she wants."
"I'll have that too but no bacon please." Cherry said as she adjusted the bun on top of her head. I couldn't take my eyes off of how pretty and flawless her skin was. Ma nodded her head with a gentle smile, as if she knew I was madly attracted to the girl in front of me.
"What are you studying?" I asked as soon as Ma walked away.
"Veterinary medicine. I'm in my last year."
"So you're going to be a doctor?" I felt the attraction towards her growing by the second. My pussy felt like it was leaking down my legs just looking at her gorgeous blue eyes. She nodded her head and chuckled. The sound was similar to something heavenly.
"Technically yes. I really can't wait." Her eyes lit up in the cutest way. I wanted her. I wanted her more than I did all week, if that was possible.
"What are you going to do after school?"
"Well first things first, I'm going to quit dancing. I hate it. Then, well I don't know because technically I already have a job waiting for me." She paused. "I'm doing my internship there now."
Learning that Cherry was in school to be a doctor and went to school full time while still finding time to strip and work at an internship had me hornier than when I had her lips on my neck.
"You hate strip...I mean dancing?" Cherry laughed and made my heart leap out of my chest.
"It's fine if you call it stripping. It doesn't offend me. But yes, I hate it."
"Then why do you do it?" I was full of curiosity. I couldn't tell she hated her job by the way she danced on and in front of me. Part of me was shocked and I felt really bad for stereotyping her.
"It was an easy way to pay for college and 8 1/2 years is a lot of money. After I paid for school, I don't know, I wanted to buy my own house and my own car so nobody could take it from me."
"And now?" I was surprised she hadn't gotten upset with the amount of questions I had but talking to her felt so natural. Neither of us noticed our food had come but somehow, we ate slowly while we talked.
"And now, I'm helping pay for my grandma's hospice care."
Everything about Cherry was perfect except the name Cherry. Now that I knew more about her, the name definitely didn't fit her. It felt wrong calling her by her stage name in my head. I wanted to know her real name. I wanted to know what I would be moaning as soon as I made it home. Unfortunately before I could ask, I received an emergency phone call from Saint Francis high school and had to leave just as we finished our food.
Cherry was packing up her things just as well as I was when her fingers brushed against mine. The contact made my knees buckle. She looked at me with intent blue eyes and smiled.
"What's your name?" She asked, taking me by surprise.
"Aaliyah." I wanted to hear her say my name and it was like she read my mind. Her smile widened.
"Well thank you for breakfast, Aaliyah. It was nice. You have really good conversation."
"Here," I scribbled my phone number on a loose napkin. "Text me if you want to eat me...I meant with uhh I meant...breakfast again..." I started blushing furiously and I don't think she even caught on to the sexual tension that lingered over my head like a cloud. Or maybe she did by the way her eyebrows rose slowly. It made me even wetter.
"Mhmm, you don't even know my name." She smirked but took the napkin. "See you next time, Aaliyah."

I'm in love with a stripper Where stories live. Discover now