Chapter 1: Suicided to the Past

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He ended it. The only thing he had left, but no desire to keep: His Life. There was nothing left for him- nothing left to live for. No one there to protect. Nothing that he could hold dear. So, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze ended it.

However, the Kyuubi had other ideas... The fox had no desire to see his kit dead- nothing left to live for, so he did the only logical thing. Kurama sent him to the past.

A set of blue eyes fluttered open and quickly adjusted to the light. Is this heaven? If it is, why do I hurt like hell? The Kyuubi container thought in slight annoyance. He took in his surroundings, still in a slight daze. He was in a forest, that much was certain, but it didn't make sense to the man. Everything was destroyed. Nothing but ashes and corpses remained on the war-stricken world he knew of.

The events that played out before the young man's untimely suicide flooded back into his head, causing him to hold his head in sorrow. If I were in heaven, I'm pretty sure all of the bad memories go away... right? The grief-stricken shinobi gathered his feelings and became tense. After all, if he wasn't in Heaven or Hell... where was he?

He observed his surroundings more closely this time. "Oh Kami... this has to be a genjutsu..."

Upon closer inspection, the blonde recognized the forest training ground he was so adapted to. He was at training ground three, Team 7's usual training ground. One that he had many fond memories at and one that he knew for certain was supposed to be destroyed.

"I'm sure you've figured it out by now, Kit," Kurama stated, hoping his container wouldn't react how he thought he would. When he got no response, Kurama decided to continue. "I've used a forbidden jutsu to bring you to the past. I couldn't just let you..."

Naruto let out a long breath and regained his composure. "So this isn't a genjutsu?" he asked, knowing full well where Kurama was going with his statement. Naruto was by no means suicidal, but he did what anyone would do in that kind of situation. He would have died from starvation or dehydration sooner or later, so he decided he'd rather go by his own hand.

"This is no genjutsu. I've spent a lot of my chakra performing this jutsu, so I'm going to need to rest a bit," Kurama started, "but before I do, I wanted to let you know that you have the twenty-four-year-old body. Another thing, I sent you back to the day before the Genin teams are announced. I'd suggest you go talk to the third before proceeding. You're here to change the past, but you don't want to mess too many things up, otherwise, things may get a bit... unpredictable."

Naruto nodded his head in understanding, giving up on trying to find out how time travel was in any way possible. Like the good Hokage he was, he kept his emotions in check. The Kyuubi container slowly stood up, mindful of the wounds still present on his body since Kurama wasn't able to completely heal him due to using the time travel jutsu. He henged into your average Konoha citizen, the blonde hair turning brunette while his cerulean blue eyes turned forest green. The tattered clothes on his body turned into your average brown shirt and pants. Now being satisfied, Naruto quickly made his way to and through the village, making an obvious beeline for the Hokage tower- not that anyone gave him a second look anyway.

Naruto briskly made his way to the side of the building where a window leading to the Hokage's office lie open. Without much effort, even with his wounds, the now henged brunette leaped through the window and gracefully in front of the Hokage. Just as quickly as he landed, the Uzumaki was surrounded by Anbu Black Ops. They immediately started pointing their deadly sharp kunai right at him, ready to strike if he made any wrong moves.

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked over the visitor who was obviously in a henge. He could not tell the intent of this obvious ninja, but he could have been dead already. After all, no one saw the ninja until he was right in front of them. This ninja was either really stupid or meant no harm, maybe both?

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