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"Worse member"



"Get out of the group"

Those were one of the light hate comments she got. She tried to pay no mind, but they always got her at the end. She didn't know what she had done wrong to receive those.

YunJae was currently at her bed in Twitter. She read one comment, and it was the key to read more. It wasn't like she wanted to read them, but she couldn't stop. "Hey YunJae..? Is everything alright?" Asked Haechan entering their shared bedroom. "Umm, yeah" she lied. "You seem down" he added. "Don't worry, I swear everything is alright" she faked smile. "Alright..." He said leaving the room not convinced. YunJae sighted and went to watch some YouTube.

During practice, she couldn't stop thinking about all those comments. She was getting every move wrong. "YunJae, concentrate" said Mark. "Yes, I'm sorry" she mumbled and continued, but still did everything wrong. "I know today is not your day, but I know you can do it" He said. YunJae eyes turned glassy. "Hey, don't cry!" Said Renjun who was the closest to her.

Tears started streaming through her face and she gave up on her legs, sitting in the floor and covering her face while she sobbed. "Good Mark, you made her cry" said Haechan. "Wait what?" Mark said in panic. YunJae kept on crying knowing maybe those comments were true.

"Hey, whatever happened, we can overcome it" she felt Chenle's arms around her and his soft voice talking to her. "All those comments are so hurtful" she whispered with trembly voice. In that moment, all the boys knew what was happening. "YunJae, all those comments, all those comments aren't true, they're just bullshit idiotic people put because they love drama, so don't believe them, you are a especial member and without you, NCT wouldn't be complete" this time Jaemin talked. "Yes, every member is valuable, including you, I know it's hard to pay no mind, but know that we love you, and most of the fans love you too" Jeno added.

YunJae sobs eased. She was now crying silently. "I love you all" she said. Chenle cleaned her tears and helped her up. "You want ice cream?" Asked Jisung. YunJae smiles and nodded her head. "Grate, I'll bring it!" Said Donghyuck going to SM's cafeteria.

They sat in a circle and ate vanilla ice cream, one of YunJae's favorite. She felt better. She knew she wasn't alone in this and as long as the members love her, she was fine. She also knew there were fans that loved her, and they have showed it to her in many ways.

𝓝𝓬𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now