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Paulina would be lying if she didn't admit she liked Haechan like, a lot. Damn, he got her whipped. But she would also be lying if she said she didn't feel anything when Jaemin told her he love her. And she would also be lying if she said every time Chenle hugged her she didn't feel butterflies. Yes, she was a mess.

"Oh my...." she whispered. "I need like, urgent help" she said to herself. "I mean but, I can't like this many people at the same time...?" She kept on talking to herself while showering, as almost everyone does. "But like- "Oh my god YunJae, hurry the fuck up" called Renjun. "Damn, coming!" She said turning the shower off and wrapping herself in a towel. "All yours" she said while getting out of the bathroom with only a towel. "Girl! Put some clothes on!" He shouted. "I forgot them in my room okay?!" She shouted back while entering her room.

She was glad Donghyuck wasn't there. She put her pijama on and started to wonder oof again about her difficult love situation. "Fuck this, I'm talking to Johnny" she said getting up from her bed.

She walked through the bridge and arrived to the 127 dorms. The only bad thing about this, was that Haechan was currently there. She entered with her spare key and walked to the living room were everyone was.

"Hey guys" she greeted. "Not to be rude but what are you doing here?" Asked Mark. "I came for Johnny" she responded. "Moi?" Johnny asked pointing at himself. "I mean.. yeah...?" She suddenly felt nervous. "Can you just..." she directed him to her while she stepped backwards slowly. He nodded and went with her.

"So... what's on your mind?" He asked. "I'm a mess" she said. "Why is that?" He asked. "I'm confused between three people" she responded blushing a bit. "Well damn" he whispered. "Indeed" she agreed. "It's just, Jaemin told me he loved me some days after we fought and I didn't respond so we kind of are still in bad terms, but I just felt so... how to say it, I just bdjcjrb in a good way when he told me" she explained. "And well, I know Chenle is like one of my besties but I don't know I just feel jejfjrbe when I'm with him" she explained again. "And Donghyuck well, I'm just whipped for him" she admits. "I understand, but to really know how you feel about the first two, you really need to change that 'bdhdjeb' for a feeling, it might be quite hard at first, but I can try to help" he said.

"Can you please tell no one about this...?" She asked shyly. "Of course I'm not telling anyone, the first two are a total secret, but everyone knows that you are completely in the other side for Donghyuck" he said. "Wait does he know?!" She asked hoping he doesn't. "I don't know about that, but I have a feeling he likes you two, maybe that's the reason he stays more at 127" he said. "Maybe" She said.

"Let me tel you something else" he said turning a bit more serious. "Look, you live between teenagers. They are all teenagers, you are also a teen, yours and the boys' hormones are all over the place, so it might be natural for you to like some of them, and it might be natural for them to like you, but it also might just disappear in a week, they might flirt with you without knowing what they want, that's how teenage works, so it's important knowing how you feel about someone, because you can really hurt them at the end" he said seriously. "But also don't force feelings in yourself, it takes time to know how you feel about someone" he explained.

The girl thanked him and went back to her dorm, still confused but a bit more clear. She knew what she was doing wrong now. She was thinking, not feeling.

"What did she wanted anyway...?" Asked Donghyuck. "Something between her and me" Johnny said smiling a bit and Donghyuck pouted. "Might as we'll learn later" he whispered.

𝓝𝓬𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now