ʜᴀᴇᴄʜᴀɴ's ᴄᴀʟʟ

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YunJae was almost going to sleep since she had to practice early in the morning the next day. Her phone was already connected in her night stand next to her bed. She closed her eyes but her phone started ringing. She sighted loudly and took it just to see who it was. she smiled a bit when she read the ID caller.

"oh, hello Haechan" she said into the phone.

"guess what?" he asked not even greeting her.

"umm, what?" she asked.

"i'm in Mexico! I just arrived into the hotel" he said excited.

"oh my god! really?!" she said excited.

"yup, we're giving a concert here!" he said.

"oh, i'm really jealous! i really wish i could give a concert back home" she said hopeful.

"i'm sure one day you will" he reassured.

"anyway, you're going city sight seeing?" she asked.

"not this time" he responded.

"oh really? that's too bad, mexico is really a beautiful city" she said imagining different parts of the city.

"maybe we could go together and you can tour me" he said jokingly but actually wishing it happened.

"that would be grate" she said also wishing for it.

"the good news, is that i see you in three days" he said.

"wow, we haven't seen each other in almost three and a half months" she said.

"that just makes me more excited to see you" he said teasingly.

YunJae blushed at what Donghyuck said. She knew he said it joking, but she still took it. Donghyuck also didn't know how he managed to say it that smoothly.

"hey, uh, i need to go, we're going to the concert hall" he said.

"yup, it's okay, i'll go to sleep, have fun!" she said happily.

"good night" he wished.

"good day" she also wished.

the line went dead and the girl sighted. She really liked him. Damn, she didn't even know if she just liked him or actually was in love with him.

She sighted again, and this time, she went to sleep.

𝓝𝓬𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now