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"Yunjae, Donghyuk, I need to talk to both of you" said one of their managers. They nodded and went with him. "What's the matter?" she asked concerned. The manager sighted. "Sorry, the CEO learned about your relationship... I don't know how, but he sent me to tell you that you have a meeting with him tomorrow" said the manager. "Wait... do you think...?" Yuna was t even able to ask. "I don't know Lina, I hope he doesn't force you to split up..." he said, looking at their intertwined hands that were holding it each other. "I really hope he doesn't" said the manager, looking how happy both looked together.

"Guys, what happened?" asked Jaemin. "The CEO... knows about us..." said Yuna, looking up at her loved with concerned eyes. The boys didn't know what to say. "He asked us to meet him tomorrow" said Haechan.

"What if he makes us split up...? Or we get kicked out, or only one gets kicked out...?" asked Yunjae over thinking. "Lina, happens what happens... we will go though this together" he said, placing a soft kiss in her lips. They entered office of the CEO. He looked up to them, as they bowed together in respect. "Donghyuk, YunJae, you're here" The CEO said. "Hello" they both said at the same time. "Take a sit" he invited, there were two cushioned chairs in-front of the desk.

The couple sat hesitantly. Yunjae was almost not being able to breath due to the stress this gave her. "I learned that you two are together" he started. Both looked down, not really wanting to face their CEO. "I haven't really thought about what to do" he said. Yunjae closed her eyes in hope he would let them stay together and in the group. She really wanted to tell him to let them stay as they are, but she knew to restrain herself.

"Well... what do you suggest?" asked the CEO. Yuna looked at Haechan, who looked tensed. "We can hide it" he said sure. "we always have had a flirty relationship" he said. "We also usually do a lot of skin ship since we were young" she said.

The CEO thought for a moment. "I would say yes, but what will you do if dispatch finds out?" he asked. "what do you recommend on doing?" Haechan asked. "Hmm... depends on what you are willing to do" he responded. "We... we could day the truth... but I think I'm going to get a lot of negative responses" said Yunjae. "And also the group would be unstable" she added. "We could also deny the rumors... but we could get worse responses if then it gets proven that it's true" said Haechan. "What do you think is the right choice?" the CEO asked. "remember you broke the dating policy" he added. Yunjae's heart stop for a second.

"We'll say the truth" said Haechan. "We'll know what to do" he said sure. "Very well... be aware of your decision" he said. "You may go back to your group" he said, and both nodded.

They bowed and left. Yunjae let out a heavy breath that she was holding. She closed into his arm. "What do we do know..." she whispered. "We can't afford to be caught, we can't do this to the group" she said. "We won't get caught, princess" he reassured. "I love you" she said. "I love you too" he responded.

𝓝𝓬𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now