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The boys and girl had finished practice and some other things they needed to do in the agency after their comeback. YunJae was extremely drained, since she practiced extra hard today.

"Guys, I think I'm going to sleep now" she said arriving to the dorm. "You aren't having dinner?" Asked Chenle. "Hmm, I'm not very hungry" she said. "Oh, okay, sleep tight!" He said smiling. "You too" she responded. "Night!" The rest of the boys called.

After having a quick shower and doing her skin care routine fast, she curled into a ball in her bed, hugged her duck plushie and fell asleep fast.

There was a white light at the end. She walked towards it. It didn't seem very far but she kept on walking a for few minutes.

She heard noises and when she walked closer she knew it was the boys chatting, but arriving there, there was nothing, but the boys chatter was still there.

She suddenly saw a weird shaped thing and felt  it get attached to her body. She couldn't describe the feeling of it, but it was as if it was part of herself but it also wasn't.

Slowly, she felt saw several weird figures crawling towards her. She started feeling scared. The more got attached to her, the more they consumed her.

She felt tears streaming from her cheeks as she felt the weird things grabbing into her. She tried to shake them off, but it was imposible.

She suddenly woke up. She was relieved it was only Dream, when she started seeing the figures crawling her way, as she felt them still consuming her.

She jumped from her bed and ran down stairs were the rest of the boys were, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Yun?" Asked Mark.

She jumped into Jeno's arms in fear. "Please get them away from me" she begged in fear. "Get what away from you?" Asked Jisung. "Please get them off" she said still crying as Jeno hugged her. "No wait! Please!" She kept begging as she jumped from Jeno's arms and went back until she touched the wall.

"They're getting close! Please stop them" She begged as she cried. "Jisung, call Taeyong fast!" Ordered Mark as he walked toward the girl. "Please Mark! Don't let them get me" she cried.

"Yun, listen to me, you're dreaming" he said firmly. "It's only a Dream and your hallucinating" he said, but it was no use as the girl was still crying and shaking watching in fear those things that were trying to get her.

Suddenly Taeyong came bursting from the door in his pijamas and searched for the girl with his eyes, quickly seeing her, back against the wall crying and shaking in fear while mark tried to get her to her senses.

When Mark saw the older man, he quickly walked a bit further and let Taeyong handle the situation while the rest of the boys were preparing water and some food for the girl, when she finally wakes up.

"Oppa... please.... they're consuming me.." she said while crying softly, as if she had no more energy left. The older man hugged her. "Tell me, what is consuming you?" He asked in a sweet tone. The girl pointed at the strangely formed things that she saw approaching, although Taeyong obviously couldn't see them. "Hmm, I see, hey, it will be alright" he reassured. "Please don't let them get me" She she said while crying into the older's chest. "No, I won't let them get you, you are protected when you are in the arms of one of us" he said. "Now, breath in, breath out" he said still with a gentle voice.

The girl did what she was told. She stopped crying and her breathing became stabled. When the man saw the girl in his arms, she was asleep again.

He carried her to her bed, and planted a kiss in her forehead. "Sleep well, you are protected here baby" he said and went out of her room.

"She's asleep" he announced to the dreamies. "Will she be okay?" Asked Jisung. "She's okay, a night terror" He informed the younger. "Oh, it's been a while since she had one" said Chenle. "She usually has more sleep paralysis" said Haechan. "That's quite tough" whispered Jaemin.

After a while, Taeyong left to his dorm and the rest of the boys went to sleep.

𝓝𝓬𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now