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"Taeyong!!! We ran out of instant ramen" said YunJae while fake crying. "Oh, let me ask Doyoung if he can go to the store with you since he also wanted to grab some things" he said. "Thank you!" She said hugging him and running off to put something decent on.

Doyoung ended up going with her to the closest store. "So, what do we need?" Asked YunJae trying to see the grocery list the manager made them. "First, we need some milk" he said. The girl nodded and took the cart to the refrigerator area, where both took everything needed from that area.

"I want avocado so bad" She said. "I wouldn't" said Doyoung looking at the avocados. "I won't" She agreed. She instead took some lychees and continued with the shopping.

They where in the sanitary aisle for some shampoo and sope? When YunJae remembered she was low on pads and tampons. She grabbed some and put them in the cart. "How the hell does that work?" Asked Doyoung pointing at the tampons. "I think you should google it" said YunJae while grabbing some shampoo for herself.

They continued and YunJae gabbed her spicy beef Ramyeon. "Just make sure the manager doesn't see it" said Doyoung. "Yes, don't worry" YunJae responded.

It didn't took long for them to finish their grocery shopping. It was finally time to pay and both YunJae and Doyoung payed half and half.

"We're back!" Calles YunJae entering the 127 dorm. She took her things and went to the Dream dorm. "What did you bought?" Asked Jisung entering the kitchen, where was everything. "A bunch of things that it would be better if managers didn't know" She said pointing and the ramyeon, cookies, ice cream, and chocolates she bought.

Selfless self promo :)

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Selfless self promo :). It's a very short fic. Hope you like it!

𝓝𝓬𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now