10. Dancing

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Hey sorry it took so long to update, I was on vacation. But, I'm home now and here's an update hope y'all enjoy.

Nikol's POV

Alex and Morgan skipped their morning classes. What a shame, I was really looking forward to seeing them.

I was at lunch with Stefan, Troy, Shelby, and Henrik.

"So what party clothes do you have?" Shelby asked.

"Depends what kinda of party am I dressing for." I said.

"Dress like," she paused, "your trying to get lucky." Shelby smirked.

Stefan chuckled, "then wear your pj from yesterday." He smiled cheekily.

Shelby's eyes widened, "am I missing something."

"No." I replied simply, but I could feel her eyes on me. "Stefan stopped my my room last night as I was about to go to bed."

She raised an eyebrow, "and what," she held up air quotes, "pjs were you wearing?"

I pointed at her, "that is not the point."

"And the point is?" She questioned.

"That I, unlike everyone is saying, did not sleep with Stefan." I smirked. Stefan (who I happened to be sitting next to) choke on the water he was drinking causing Troy to laugh and Henrik to shake his head disapprovingly. "Henrik, aren't you glad I'm not a whore?"

"Very." Henrik rolled his eyes. "Considering That, if father heard the rumors, he'd pull you out of the school so quickly, your head would spin."

"And that brother, is precisely why you are not going to tell him anything. About the rumors or other wise." I smiled innocently.

"The things I do." Henrik rolled his eyes. I smiled and went back to eating.

Lunch was coming to a close, went Alex and Morgan walked in.

"Look who decided to join the party," I went to get up but Stefan pulled me down.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He said.

"Well, I think it's a great idea," I tried to get up again and he pulled me down again. "Your kidding me."

"No." He said sternly.

The two of us were bickering slightly, when Alex and Morgan walked up to the table.

"Awe trouble in paradise?" Morgan asked.

"I'm sure you'd know how to recognize it." I snapped.

"Troy, your looking well." Alex smirked.

"No thanks to you." Troy stood up, the veins under his eyes appeared.

"Alright, that is enough!" Henrik got up and stood in between the two.

"Maybe I should bite you too," Alex's eyes grew yellow and he stepped closer.

I slammed my hands on the table and got up, "ok." I smiled and vamp sped over and threw Alex across the room. "How about you pick on someone your size. I mean your way to small, for that fight to be fair."

Morgan started chanting, trying to give me a brain aneurysm. She wasn't nearly powerful enough to do enough damage. Something about our hybrid nature that makes us practically invincible against other witches unless they have extreme power.

I turned to her, "are you done?"

"Why aren't you screaming in pain," she chanted harder.

"Because," I stepped closer, "you," I took another step, "are," another step, "too." I whispered, "weak."

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