32. Fear

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"Nikol what's going on?" Davina stepped in front of her daughter. "You look like you were crying."

"Something happened." She looked desperately between her two parents. "I'd didn't know that she was going to do that."

Kol placed a hand on her arm, "who Nikol?"

Nikol sniffed, "bring her in Stef."

He walked in. Stefan held the lifeless body of the 16 year old witch Morgan in his arms.

"She and I had fought earlier. She was hurt pretty bad, so I heeled her." Nikol huffed, she was frustrated in herself, frustrated that she wasn't able to stop this from happening. "She told me I should have just let her die. I-I knew she was upset, but- she-"

"She took her own life," Klaus whispered. His eyes locked with Nikol's, who nodded as tears streamed down her face.

"She in transition." Nikol took a deep breath, "the first witch ever sired."

Morgan has been placed on the couch she was still out. She would be waking up any minute. Nikol started at her, a blank expression on her face. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. Her and Morgan didn't get along, but the idea of Nikol being a potential contributor to her death, scared her. The idea of killing those who deserved it didn't. But an innocent? That effected her in ways she didn't even know.

Nikol hadn't eaten anything since that morning, she was tired and irritable.

Stefan put a hand on her shoulder, that made her jump. "Hey it's just me."

Nikol turned to face him, her expression was pained. The teen didn't say anything, she just wrapped her arms around Stefan. She whimpered slightly as more tears formed in her eyes.

"Nikki, this wasn't your fault. You know that right?" Stefan held her face in his hands, locking his eyes with hers. "She was hurting, the type of hurt that neither of us could have known." Nikol nodded and sniffled. "Nik, have you eaten anything?"

Nikol's didn't respond she just averted her gaze. The last thing she wanted to do was think about blood.

Stefan rolled up his sleeve, "here drink."

"I'm not going to feed on you." Nikol was adamant about keeping those she cared about unharmed, feeding on Stefan would do the opposite.

"Come on, I'll be fine. You can heal me after." He brought his wrist up to her mouth. "I trust you," he whispered.

Nikol bit down, taking a few gulps, before removing her fangs from his wrist and putting them into hers. Stefan drank a little and both of their wounds healed. Nikol smiled for the first time since the whole ordeal had started. "Thank you."

"Your welcome." Stefan smiled and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. He went to lean in, but a gasp echoed through the room. Causing the two to rush over to Morgan who was looking around frantically.

"Morgan?" Nikol asked hesitantly.

Morgan took a deep breath and laid a hand in her chest, feeling around where the stab wound used to be. She smiled triumphantly and exclaimed, "it worked! I'm still alive! Well not really alive, but still."

Nikol's expression turned dark. "What!" Was all that she could mutter our through clenched teeth. Her hands were balled into fists and her anger rose by the second.

"I need blood." Morgan got up, trying to advance to the door but was through back by Nikol.

"Unbelievable!" Nikol paced. "And to think I felt bad that you killed yourself." Nikol let a out a low grumble that caused the window to shatter. "I'm gonna kill you."

Morgan rolled her eyes, "I'm already dead."

"Oh I know, this time it will be permanent." Nikol smiled sarcastically and went to speed toward her, but Stefan blocked her way, grabbing her speeding them out of the room.

"Nikol your better than this." Nikol was fuming, her face had transitioned and she was nearly growling. Stefan's efforts to calm her fine were futile. Nikol was enraged, she punched the wall making the entire section of dry wall crumble.

Upon hearing the commotion, Elijah and Henrik came into the room, looking rather shocked.

"And what pray tell is the meaning of this?" Elijah bellowed.

Nikol took a deep breath and regained some composure, her face retuned to normal and she unclenches her hands. "Morgan is."

"Nikol, elaborate." Henrik directed.

"She pulled a bloody Katherine!" Nikol groaned. She honestly couldn't believe she allowed herself to think that she had even the most minuscule bit of sadness within her for Morgan.

"Nikol!" The Mikealson men commanded, causing Nikol to stop her pacing and look at the two with a sly grin forming on her face.

Stefan sighed, "Morgan killed herself because she wanted to become a hybrid, not because she was suicidal or depressed."

"And I'm pissed about." Nikol stated, with an ironic grin on her face. "Wait," Nikol couldn't sense anyone else in the house, nor did anyone else accompany the two men in front of her. "Where is everyone?"

"Seeing to another problem that has arise," Henrik stated vaguely.

"What problem?" Nikol looked at her twin wearily, it was unusual for him to be this vague with her. With others maybe but not her.

Elijah sighed, tucking his hands in his pockets he spoke, "it seems we have a lead on what magic it was that had hit you."

"Oh well that's great, I had been searching all day trying to find a lead. What's yours?" Nikol was genuinely interested in finding out what that magic was, it had seemed weirdly familiar to her.

"Something that was thought to have been long since buried." Henrik was getting increasingly more vague.

Nikol grew worried, "well, spit it out already." She urged.

Henrik and Elijah looked at each other and then at Nikol, an unsure look in their eyes.

"Guys, what's is it?" She pressed. "Henrik? Uncle 'Lijah?"

"It's just a theory Nikol, we could be wrong." Elijah reassured.

"Enough! Just tell me!" Nikol couldn't take it anymore, her heart was beating rapidly and she felt like she was going to explode.

"The hallow."

Ooooo cliffhanger. . . Again!

Haha! I'm drowning in school work 👍
Love that!

But I am going to post a preview of my new book that I've been working on! It's going to be a Klaus Mikealson love story, but in the beginning she will have a different love interest because Klaus has yet to be introduced. So before y'all come for me! It's a fair warning!

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