Chapter 1

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Oh no!!

It's Monday morning and I'm soo not looking forward to going to school.

Monday mornings are usually a bore, as I watch students move around the school in small groups, discussing all the fun things they did over the weekend at their parties, dates, movies, and sleepovers.

But me, I can only boast of doing my homework and devising new ways of dealing with my bratty little sister.

"Mandy! I wanna drop you off at school today so be snappy!" mom shouts from downstairs.

Uh-uh!....I know that line all too well.

Mom wanting to drop us off translates to only thing - she's going to visit Greg.

Greg is mom's boyfriend....the second in the past two months and he lives just a couple of blocks away from our school.

Dad died when we were still very young, about 5years and 7 years, and so was mum so she's pretty much still looking for a soul mate.

"Alright mom, be down in a minute," I reply sleepily as I sleepwalk into the shower.
I doubt she heard me.

It's only as I'm about to dress up that I realize I forgot to take my clothes from the washing machine so I go to fetch them from the dryer and they're still wet!


"MIRANDAAAAA!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
The little brat. She didn't wash the clothes.

I hear footsteps rush upstairs and I turn around to find mom staring at me in horror.
"What's with all the racket? Are you trying to turn the whole neighborhood deaf?" she asks and I ignore her.
I ask of Miranda's whereabouts instead.

"She's getting some eggs from the store. What happened?" mom asks impatiently.

" This!" I exclaim, pointing to the machine.
" what she has DONE!!!"

Mom peeps into the machine and immediately pinches her nose shut as the clothes now stink.

"Oooooo, that's bad," she confesses.
"I know! And now I don't have anything to wear," I complain.
"I'm gonna kill her when she returns," I continue angrily, and mom only laughs, asking me to go check her closet for something to wear.

Mom and I wear the same size so it should be easy to find something to wear, I think to myself.
Immediately the short black fitting halter-necked dress she wore last week to her date with Greg came to mind.
I'd been eyeing that dress ever since, and now an opportunity presented itself!!

Well, at least Miranda's done me a favour.

I smile to myself as I whistle and move to mom's room.

I stop in my tracks and stare at her room in dismay....disgust too.

Her room's soo scattered and disorganized; clothes sprawled on the bed, some on the floor too, a half empty bottle of nail polish on the TV, shoes here and there and worse of all, a dirty plate and cup sticking out from under the bed!

Yeah, mom's not exactly the organized type of person. Thank God neatness isn't a type of gene or something, because I'd be dammned if I inherited it.

"MOM!!!??? Why's your room messed up, AGAIN!!! I only cleaned it yesterday!" I yell in frustration.
I love my mom, I really do, but her ability to turn a room upside down in a split second drives me nuts!!

"Not now Mandy. Not another one of those lectures on all that cleanliness crap OK???" she yells back.
"No worries! I won't," I snap at her in anger.
I wonder why I even bother. I'm way too tired of lecturing her on cleanliness and orderliness. I pick the dress and walk out, leaving the room as I'd met it.

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