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The car windows were coated in a thin, glass- like layer of frost. The red nose of a young girl touched the interior of the window as her gloved hands placed themselves next to her face on either side. Her eyes scanned the streets and forest around the car and wiped away the fog that occurred with her every breath. Having her fill of taking in the scenery, she faced straight again, looking now at the passenger seat in front of her and placing a hand onto the suitcase next to her.

"They're real good folks, I promise, met them earlier today and they are more than happy to have you." spoke the gentle voice of the lady in the front seat. Her brown eyes met the little girls through the upper mirror and she gave a pleasant smile.

"Who are they? Where are we going exactly?" the child squeaked out after a bit of hesitation.

"Mr and Mrs Greene, an elderly couple. They live in Forks, Washington."

"Washington..." the girl repeated before the woman spoke up again.

"Probably won't be anything like the city you're used to, but it's good to finally get out of foster care after 13 years, isn't it Meghan?" The social worker smiled once more. It was evident she wanted to continue with small talk to keep herself occupied as she drove 13 year old Meghan Reid from New York to Washington to meet her new adoptive "parents."

"Yeah I guess so..." Meghan sniffed up an escaped bead of snot caused by the outside chill and rested her head back on the seat. She didn't like foster care, never did. She was thrown into it as long ago as she could remember. Every time a nice and caring couple, family, or foster home would offer to take her in, Meg gave them a hard enough time until they were forced to give her up again.

Her eyes scanned the cars interior ceiling as snow began falling outside. The women kept babbling on about how great this new couple was and more stuff about how this would be Meghan's final home. The small girls eyes fluttered shut after a while to give the illusion she was asleep so the woman would shut up.

Hours passed and they arrived states away at the doorstep of a small cabin-like building, one story high with wood paneling and lantern lights that hung from each side of the door. The door itself was an unusual bright yellow and the small pebble path leading up to it was lined with flowers of the same color clinging to life. The area around was completed with towering trees and woods for miles, the last house Meghan noted was around 10 blocks the other direction.

A short, elderly woman ran out of the house. Her floral pink robe billowing in the wind and her white hair was set in stereotypic curlers on top of her head. Meghan slowly opened the car door and dragged her suitcase onto the snowy grass.

"Oh my baby, she's finally here, BOB!" The elderly woman yelled as she swept Meghan from her feet and spun her around before placing her down again and showering her in hot pink lipstick kisses. "Is it the kid we ordered, Marge?" joked the nasally tone of a tall gentleman with a thick gray mustache on his lips that was near coated in falling snowflakes.

The social worker walked joyfully behind the young girl who seemed uncomfortable as she tried to wipe lipstick from her face. "Hi! I'm Julia Rodriguez, we spoke over the phone. And this is the lovely little Meg-"

"Meg, just Meg" she piped up from in front of the curly haired Ms. Rodriguez

"Isn't she a dear?" Said the woman playfully squishing Megs cheeks. "Well call me if you need anything!" Julia offered as she backed up towards her car. After receiving a wave from the couple she hurried into her car and sped out the driveway and into the street, seemingly in a hurry to get as far from there as possible.

"We're so lucky to have you!" Marge stated as Bob picked up the girls suitcase and nodded as he went. "You can call me Nana and you can call that tall oaf over there Grandpa." Bob snickered from the path in front of them. The comment made Meg crack a smile too which she quickly hid wanting to cover up any joy she held from being there.

"I made cookies and signed you up for school already, you start next week, wouldn't want you being too stressed about jumping in right away." Nana winked at Meg and lead her inside the cosy building with her hand around her shoulders.

The next four years Meg tried her hardest for the couple to send her back but they were always too forgiving. After a while she stopped trying to leave and actually grew very fond of the home she was in. She even made friends with the girl in that house 10 blocks away. Her name was Eleanor and she was luckily in the same grade as Meg.

Who knew the small town of Forks, Washington would make such an impression on the city born girl. What she didn't know was this was only the beginning and all hell was bound to break loose.

A/N Hey guys! It's me. I'm here hopping on Wattpad with my first ever story. I'll try to update as much as possible (hopefully a few times daily) and hope you enjoy reading this as much as I love writing it.

Thank you! With love forever- M <3

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