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At the outset I would like to pay tribute and homage to the great sage who walked on this Earth around three thousand years ago, who made this impossible possible – An Epic that has successfully stood the wear and tear of centuries; above any cast, any race. This baffling Epic stood above any racial controversy, revered by generations after generations, and any origin, irrespective of time. I kneel down respectfully, with my head down on the ground before this Greatest Sage from antiquity, Maharshi Valmiki, for bringing alive the dwindling Ethical values to the human species, for teaching the true value of life, how to confront with the surroundings to reach the destiny, behaviour during the journey through an unknown path; and definitely the true value of Ethics. Without this original inspiration, possibly I could never have built up this fictitious, imaginative tale that I intend to tell you now.

But is this all about it? Retelling the tale that was once spoken three thousand years ago or even earlier? This is the part that is going to be uncovered in the later parts of the series; readers will decide whether this is just another re-enactment of the original story or slow stepping into a new series of tales of some lost civilization and everything complex they had at their time!

If we go through the epic itself, there are many baffling and interesting points those should have been highlighted as a top priority I guess; among them, no doubt on top of the chain is - the rapid, frequent usage of technology as if they were never told in the esteemed time-span of history; as if they were written hardly a year ago, or possibly two! Who will ever imagine the presence of Atomic, Chemical and Biological warfare in a tale that was written so many years ago? How somebody would define the presence of the space station in the narration? Flying chariots, those carry people and fly high above the ground? What about Artificial insemination? And how they sorted out Anthropology, the evolution of next-gen species from its previous one – Neanderthal? If somewhere in the Epic it is clearly written that –"..and whenever he rose up in the air his fiery tail burnt up every building into a pile of stones, every tree into ashes..." – this doesn't necessarily mean that this narration is indicating the summer storm in a warm nation, and in no way, it could be ignored under any circumstances. Lack of technological knowledge brings on the usage of Metaphor; or, was it intentional? To keep on a record in terms of Mythology, against which no evidence could ever be produced? Who knows?

This is the introductory part to a tale to two brothers; a prologue before their journey begins. The time and the origin are entirely unknown, lurking somewhere in the womb of history. Definitely, the whole plot is fictitious except the great sage here – Maharshi Valmiki is the only real-life character; all the rest of the characters are imaginative. Let's have a synopsis of what we are going to know by the end of this story-

The Epic of 'Ramayan' has not been written yet. In the meantime, a devastating war was raged on the Earth between two emperors at the time belonging to two different races – King Shailendra from the Non-Aryan race and King Dashapal as the leader of the Aryans. There were some political and personal reasons those triggered this devastating war, but at the end, untamed Southern part of the region - the Non-Aryans were defeated by the invading race.

Maharshi Valmiki was assigned to a task of keeping every single record of this Great War; he and his three disciples set out for it. When the fate of the war was settled, they were asked to visit 'the one', the 'All-in-all', who wanted to have this epic tale created eagerly, based on the records collected by the great sage, Maharshi Valmiki, and something else that is still unknown. But why should someone be such eager to have a tale written on behalf of Mankind? According to 'Kaalatit, the All-in-all', he wanted to let Mankind have some sort of protective shield, in the form of literature, an Epic which describes the rise and fall of 'those who came before'; the desire they dared to show; the cost they had to pay off. And all these warnings should be narrated down in a single epic clearly pointing out the errors of the inmates of two different times through the journey of two brothers in an order to make the context lucid, easy to understand. It must be created in order to protect humanity at all cost such the humans do not destroy each other before their time. The Epic must see the daylight.

In short – two different times; two different incidents – synchronized to one single epic. A hard task which is about to play a significant role in History; our History, our time. Would Maharshi Valmiki be able to accomplish the task? Will he be able to take on the challenge offered to him?

This introductory part raises some of these questions-

1. Who was the man behind, before the resurrection of a great sage? Who was he used to be before?

2. What was the politics played behind the devastating war between Aryan and Non-Aryan that took place at the time of Maharshi Valmiki?

3. Who is the mystic man behind the name 'Maharshi Markendeya', what is his true identity any ways, if any?

4. Is 'God' a supernatural something? Or does he have to obey the laws of science?

5. Where from did they come?

6. Why did they come?

7. How they affected the Bio-diversification, here on Earth?

8. What was the purpose behind manufacturing us?

9. Who were the dwellers 'those came here before' us?

10. Who were there as our precursor race? Did we see them?

Well, there are still many questions that will be crossing the reader's mind. This is a promise. But, as I said this whole story line is an introductory part, hence, some of these questions may find an answer in the latter parts of the series, or perhaps, in the later stories of this entire series as a whole!

Another thing that I must mention before I sleep; this whole story line is a fictitious, imaginative concept. It is believed that when 'Aryabarta' was taking its shape across whole North India, battling against the Non-Aryans across the land, this is the time when the Epic is borne. On the other hand, one thing must be mentioned that before written down, it conveyed down the generations as a 'Shruti'; something those they memorised through the eras. I took advantage of these two factors; the battle which is mentioned in the story is anonymous, and the narrator who narrates the past to Maharshi Valmiki about the precursor race is a representative of the ancient high priest. So... I hope this fits well to the story line.

This is the introductory part of the series; the rest of the four parts will be updated from time to time. You may check my FaceBook profile for required updates and links. Read the complete story today! Let me know your opinion. Thanks in advance.

© AritraDas

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