Avenue of the Gods

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Everything on this mysterious asteroid is bizarre; everybody noticed this awkwardness around them significantly. As an instance, 'The Mountain of Gems' they saw moments ago. As usual, Subhamangal is solely responsible for this nomenclature (He told all about these in another place); though it seems that he made no error in naming it like this! The light was reflecting from a mountain-like object and it was visible from a very large distance. That is why he coined such name for it. In the same fashion there come other 'Mountains' serially – 'The Mountain of Metals', 'The Mountain of Gold', 'The Mountain of Fire' and so on! All of these names are ornamental and rapid; the 'Mountain' here practically points to a particular triangle shaped mansion, a kind of building or architecture that they never saw anywhere else. The 'mansion' has no similarity with any proper man-made mansion they had seen before but they definitely had similarities with the Mountains. 'The Mountain of Gold' means a mansion with a triangular shape and an exterior with polished yellow gold-like substance covering from top to bottom. There is a 'Mountain of Diamond' too! A triangular mansion, which has a diamond fit at the peak; the radiation of this giant diamond looks great and amazing from a distance; a beauty it was!

Above all awkwardness, they noticed the most significant one in the place – undiscriminating, disciplined, orderly silence of the place! The overall head-count is sufficient and the life is confined within glass enclosures. Still, one may be able to discover that the bio-diversity of the place is at large, The dominating species is the Gods as expected; and a large collection of variety of animals in the cages or in the enclosures. The intelligent bipeds here seemed to be working as silent workers; ready for action at once whenever ordered.

The chariot wheels are rolling for a longer time; it has a sweet sound of the melody of its own kind. The sound emitted from it has a rhythmic, soothing, euphonious up and down bits those fit good to ears. The road is long, straight and continuous. The journey is comfortable and the riders inside the chariot are seemed to enjoy their trip.

Subhamangal was sitting reluctantly quiet inside. Actually, they had to wear a special type of tight-fitted clothing accompanied by an appropriate helmet. They had to wear this outfit without any denial as commanded by the Titans. They are permitted to get rid of this unusual, weird outfit and the headgear when they are inside any building, or something that has a roof and four walls. However, when on road, they must wear this dress. The problem is, with the helmet on, they have to go mute. Naturally, this made Subhamangal depressed and sad.

At last the chariot stopped at the doorsteps of a similar triangle shaped mansion that they are familiar with this far; the Titans seemed to be obsessed with this peculiar, mountain-shaped triangular shape because everywhere they used this feature while erecting their constructions, though there are some basic differences for individual constructions like this. As an instance, the mansion where they were brought in has a steep, sharp pointy top, but down in the middle, it is a little lumpy. In the end, all the corners are spread outwards and inclined towards the ground like the feet of the mountain. The visitors could see a feeble glance of some rigid, farm, well-formed pillars beneath this whole construction, deep-rooted into the soil as if it is standing on those, putting all the pressures on them. What a strange, weird structure it is? And what are they doing here? Nobody has an answer to it.

The chariot paused at the entrance path to this mansion for a while; then a Door-keeper comes forward and opened the door for them. The chariot moves forward into it. After a while, they entered into a large hall through a relatively narrow corridor and this is where the journey finally ends. The chariot stops; the drone-like sound is ceased. Then the charioteer comes down and opens the gates of the chariot. He nodded his head to them as if he is asking them to come down, and so the visitors did. Now an attendant came to them with a decent smile on his face. He asked them to follow. Passing through the entire hall and some more corridors, at last, the attendant brings the visitors in front of a closed door. Now there, he did another unusual act; he bends forward to the closed door, looking through a certain, elongated box-like part of it, which seemed to be attached to the door and it appears as if he is winking for some moments there! And then the magic happens; the closed door opens wide after some moments!! Okay people, what is going on here? None, as usual, have any explanations to these unusual phenomena!

The visitors now discovered another Doorkeeper behind this closed door; he was sitting on a chair at the corner of a very narrow, small-sized room. He then left his chair, and made some gestures to them, which means he is asking them to step forward and get inside that room. the visitors entered into the room. In the meantime, Subhamangal got a little push back from the attendant standing behind him. He was eager to see where the attendant winked at, and it seems that the attendant itself did not like to reveal that secret; so he gave him a slight push from behind and showed him the proper place where he is supposed to be. This is embarrassing; why winking at something, which somebody considers as if ones' lover.

They may have overlooked this matter, but what about the newer puzzle they are confronting with? This is a very brief, narrow and small room indeed, no way out except the same door they stepped in, and there's no way they can meet 'All-in-all' here, into a room like this! They looked at the Doorkeeper once with curiosity, and only then, they discovered the presence of same rounded, inhumane eyes in the corner those they had seen earlier in the vessel in which they travelled into this asteroid! The Doorkeeper delivered a smirk looking at them, and then he pressed down a yellow 'eye' among the others there. To the visitors' utmost concern, the door was shut off at once! On pressing down a green 'eye' for the second time, the inevitable occurs; the 'room' started to ascend up in a vertical course of direction! What kind of witchcraft is this all about?

Meanwhile, there is a comedy scene appears inside the proposed 'room'; discomfort at its extent! All the visitors except Maharshi seemed to be in grieving danger! Some keep rolling on the ground; some hold each other tightly, some has begun prayers to the almighty in a louder voice ever! Only Maharshi Valmiki keeps standing calm and quiet, gripping the wall next to him; though his facial expression was emphasizing that he was not in much comfort too. Later it was discovered that all of them were suffering from the same feelings inside – weightlessness and head spinning! Perhaps, the best performance of act might have come forward from Subhamangal; Moments ago he found the knees of the Doorkeeper within his range (The Gods were all having a long stature as described earlier), so he made a go for it and nip it tightly; he rested in this order for some moments. Later, he had his grips on the floor and he stayed in his recumbent phase for the rest of the journey in that position, nipping the floor tight enough! In this whole drama inside, the Doorkeeper is the only person found to maintain his equilibrium throughout and having fun of the situation inside!

The events next were laconic. At last, it is an end to the Nemesis that bestowed upon them! The shaking and shivering of the room ended. The visitors got rid of the special clothes provided to them after they had entered the mansion; now once the room became stationary again and the door was opened, all of them including Maharshi himself rushed out of the room in extreme hurry into the corridor outside! Who is going to stay back into this spooky room any longer?

They were trying to catch on their breathe at the end of the corridor, away of the spooky room they just confronted. After some moments they got normalised and looked up, and discovered Maharshi Valmiki standing in front of them with wonder, astonishment, and anxiety lurking his face. 'What happened' – in reply to this question, they abbreviated all the experiences they had inside that 'spooky room' behind, and they never forgot to add how narrowly they escaped their death there! The self-propelled, self-automated spooky room was about to engulf them alive today!! In response to the story of their terrible and pathetic experience they had, Maharshi Markendeya suddenly started laughing out loud very soon!

-"It is a moving room indeed, commonly known as 'Elevator' or 'lift'. It is used to carry people from the ground floor to the top floor and vice-versa. It possesses with this only special power and nothing else. It can ascend up, it can descend down, but definitely, it has no ability to chase down people and eat 'em up!" – These last words were chosen for Subhamangal clearly; as he was getting himself ready to make another runaway, but when he heard Maharshi Markendeya, he postponed his run for the moment. Instead, he just replied –

-"This is Sorcery, Maharshi Markendeya! "

-"unless you don't know; but if you know then science it is!" Now come with me to meet the 'All-in-all', he is eager to meet you! Don't panic anymore Subhamangal, it is a normal room where he is waiting for you." 

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