The 'Divine' Civilization

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If a ray of light travels forward in vacuum for a complete year without any pause, the immeasurable distance travelled by the same is coined as a 'Light-year'

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If a ray of light travels forward in vacuum for a complete year without any pause, the immeasurable distance travelled by the same is coined as a 'Light-year'. How much is it? Will calculate someday, but right now, let us conclude the conversation first. The motherland to the Titans 'Tripura' territory is several light-years away from our planet. This ancient civilization of the Gods was at the pinnacle by the moment; the place where no war took place for many years. Peace and happiness were everywhere among the inhabitants. The greatest success of the Gods ever achieved was the implementation of the exchange system; this system was able to eradicate the need for currency, which in turn nullified the discrimination between the Riches and the Poor. Everybody used to serve the one nation that serves its subjects in return. This system of helping each other turned the Gods into an ethically stronger race, as every citizen knew one's own dignity and position in society. This 'Exchange system' once made customary in Earth too among various races, but later the practice was abandoned. The power of will accepted its defeat to the power of money. Limited eyesight of men couldn't see its far-flung impact. Men don't see though he has eyes; can't hear though he has ears. Despite his intelligence, he has no will to analyze anything at all!

But the darkest of the shades casts its shadow directly beneath the flame, Maharshi! Long-term peace and endless happiness bring a bad time for the inmates. A person becomes less vigilant; lack of usage of the sixth sense makes the person incautious from the imminent danger lurking ahead! And the Gods were never an exception to this eternal truth.

Two ancient civilizations raise up born enmity between them since the very exact moment they were born. The first one between them is the Gods, and the opponent to them standing on the other side of the fence - was the 'Asurs'. Both these civilizations were contemporary; both of them were ancient. But none of them could bear up with each other. Very often, they raged wars among them, they tasted each other's blood. The stronger team used to bag the trophy; sometimes, the Gods win the war, sometimes the Asurs.

Their last battle took place merely two decades ago, or three, but this standardization of time is esteemed according to their planetary rotation and constellation. According to Earth, this might be overriding the thousand years of span; 'might be', because it is an esteemed value. If a proper calculation was ever made, this figure will be more, but no less than a thousand of years for sure! Whatever it is, the 'Asurs' tasted a great defeat in this devastating war. Their home is into a different solar system in the same galaxy. The Gods could have easily had the acquisition of their home planets, but the peace-believer Titans never wanted to stain themselves with this dirty work of annihilation. Instead, they set a majority of the captives to go free; a handful of the invaders they sent to trial first and later, The Gods sent the death convicts straight to their gallows; in the 'Trichur' planet, to activate the 'Death row'!

We have some strikingly similar behavioral features with these 'Asurs', Maharshi! Sometimes I wonder, men are the altered image of Titans; they made us, engineered us to this extent, we should have a lot similar physiological and psychological similarities and there shouldn't be any point of argument arising into this matter. Yet how comes we got some strikingly similar features with the Asurs? A passive hint might have been found from the book of records created by the Titans in their library, but how is it even possible to come into reality? In which phase? I couldn't retrieve any more from the data provided. Perhaps, Bhagban Vishnudev knows about it. 

'Forgiveness to the 'Asurs'' later turned out to be the biggest blunder ever made by the Titans. A blasphemy that was paid off in their own bloodshed later on! The Titans were exiled from their own home, own land, own kingdom of 'Tripura'. Asmall error resulted in a sacrifice of million lives later. On the other hand, if some of them were not expelled on that day, today we would never have been able to speak face to face like this. Do not forget that all of Mankind belongs to the same almighty! 


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