Day of the Ragged Vulture

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Mental peace and harmony for the old vulture at last!

Old age has decayed its eyesight and the smelling power from its mortal part, along with the strength from its both wings; a little flap there rattles up the bones inside. Weakness in wings restricted its journey far in search of food with other scavengers in the group. As a consequence, the vulture had no option but had to stay starved for most of the time. It seems like the old vulture has crossed over its golden moments; fasting and harsh reality made it appear gaunt and bony while it moves slowly towards its end.

But today is a different day! Since the last couple of days it seemed like there is a storm ravaging the place all the time; outcry, turbulence, the uproar of those bipeds on the ground, screams, howling, and lament – all the vultures there almost had their ears off! Some of the poor scavengers left the group and flew away for shelter in a different location. The sound of turbulence was turned down by the dusk, and by the night everything was quiet. Silence held aloft in the place and stood high above all throughout the night. And, in the morning? 

The view stimulated every single member in the group; all the vultures were high in their spirits and happiness– the vacant land by the side of the forest was filled with plenty of meats!Plenty, abundant, bountiful and affluent! And how enormous they are! All these meats were disposed of by the bipeds those were seen in the area for the last couple of days. The old vulture doesn't need to fast for any longer now; this feeling made its ancient wings to flap over and over in joy; then its body rose straight high up in the air, had a circle over the horizon and then, it came straight down to the meats on the field; Its hungry beaks came forward to the piece of meat which had less crowd and messes around. No need to mess up with others, the resource is plenty and scattered everywhere; today is the day of their grand fiesta!!

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