The 'Peak' on the Hill

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Road to the peak of that low-altitude hill is zigzag, serpentine. The Ridgeway below their steps was rugged, stony and steep inclined in places that make the journey miserable. It is wise to keep the head down while walking; because if slipped once then one may have to descend long through the slope over the rocky, rugged surface. This won't be life-taking, but definitely, it will result in serious physical disorder. There is practically no difference in the backdrops in either side of the Ridgeway; same stony heath, some shrubs here and there, wild bushes scattered around – no change in the scenario at all.

-"Watch on your steps with utmost vigilance, the road is inclined and slippery. And off course, if you have to put your hands on to something, care to observe the surrounding region; the snakes in the hills are more poisonous than those crawling on the plane lands!" – Maharshi Valmiki warned his disciples about the dangers ahead.

But soon everyone lost their words when they faced an unusual scenario by the end of the road after some more turns to reach there; everybody muted off and kept staring on to it. Is it a reality, or are they dreaming while their eyes open? It seemed that even Maharshi Valmiki himself wasn't ready for the show; this is fantasy or reality? This is... unbelievable!!

Three peaks on the hill were there those they noticed from far. In reality, two of them were natural. Those were the part of the hill, a natural extension of the hill as approved by nature itself; there's nothing wrong with them. But, the third one in the middle that they thought as if a 'peak' from a distance was never actually a natural object. It wasn't a part of that hill, it wasn't attached to the hill anywhere, and it was just standing tall in the plane surface between two other consecutive peaks on the same hill! Although anyone will be confused to read it as if a 'peak' from the distance; its body color blends with the boulders around, its body seems to be carved out of the stone itself and It is huge! The 'peak' was standing vertically erected from the ground; two larger wheels at the bottom on both the sides of it on those the vehicle was practically leaning on. 'Vehicle'? No other analogy is striking the head right now, what else could it be described with? At least a thousand of elephants are required to drag this sort of vehicle such enormous in size! Where from these elephants gather around and where did they go? Not even anyone comes across in vicinity, what sort of witchcraft is this?

There are more added features to this supposed 'vehicle'. A sort of 'window' like multiple objects is visible in it, and they are bizarre in shapes! Some are rectangular, some circular, some are big and some are small. It's dusk now, daylight is about to die out. Some sort of light is emitting scattered, coming out of these window-like objects in the 'vehicle'. Surprisingly no window frame is visible on these objects. There's another thing, except the huge wheels by the side, there were four main pillar-like objects at the four corners of this 'vehicle', and these pillars had small round-shaped wheels at the bottom! These must be placed in order to maintain the balance of the vertically erected vehicle; but there's no doubt that 'vehicle' itself, its presence on the top of the hill, its shape and presence of multiple weird objects in it – all of them are a huge bizarre itself!!

-"Waiting for your orders, Maharshi; what to do now?" Dharmakhshem asked finally. He was astonished too with the present scenario, but his age and experience cooled him down quickly.

-"No need to keep standing here and waiting; as per instruction, we are right on the exact same place as directed. There's no second hill in the region with three peaks on it; rest of those are just hummocks and mounds. Moreover, this is the last hill in this region, so this is the exact place as instructed."

-"Are you sure?"

Maharshi Valmiki nodded silently in response. Next, he ordered everybody to stay put and moved towards the 'vehicle' himself.

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